Republican Mark Alliegro,, today announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives in Massachusetts' 9th Congressional District. A resident of East Falmouth and political outsider, Alliegro is running for Congress to bring common sense solutions to an increasingly polarized national government.

"As a scientist, I've spent my life finding evidence-based solutions to complex problems," said Alliegro. "These skills are sorely lacking in Washington, and in our Congressional delegation, where ideological policies trump what is best for the citizens of our District."

"Nowhere is this more evident than in Representative William Keating's single-minded support for Obamacare, a program that any fact-based analysis would indicate was demonstrably wrong for Massachusetts and our country," stated Alliegro. "Representative Keating has voted consistently in support of Obamacare and against any common sense revisions to the law that would benefit this state."

"Votes matter, and hardworking Massachusetts families will now pay more for their health insurance and lose access to their doctors because of Representative Keating's votes. Our small businesses will have to cut hours and lay off workers because of his votes. And our Massachusetts medical technology companies, a crown jewel of our state, will be forced to cut back on life-saving R&D to pay Obamacare's taxes because of his votes," stated Alliegro. "On the single biggest issue impacting our state in a generation, William Keating put partisan politics first and voted against the interests of his constituents."

"Massachusetts deserves better than Obamacare and the politicians who voted for this misguided law," said Alliegro.

"In Congress, I will work to promote pro-growth policies that will put our citizens back to work and rebuild the prosperity that lets families achieve the American dream," said Alliegro. "The catalyst in putting Americans back to work is to control what government takes out of the economy, stop its social engineering experiments and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our people through our free market system."

"We've lived too long in a no-growth society with diminished freedoms and prospects for our children," stated Alliegro. "It's past time that we find solutions, not excuses."

About Mark Alliegro

Mark Alliegro is a scientist, researcher and educator. Married for 32 years to Mary Anne, also a research scientist, they have two children, Nicole who is in broadcasting, and Kelly a Petty Officer in the United States Navy.

A noted cell biologist with a background in biochemistry and molecular biology, Mark has worked as a Senior Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, and as a Professor of Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Biochemistry at Brown University. He received his Ph.D. from SUNY Buffalo and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Duke University.

The author of more than 40 scientific papers, Dr. Alliegro served as a Program Director for Molecular & Cellular Biosciences at the National Science Foundation and as an Instructor of Medical Histology at Harvard Medical School. A concerned and involved citizen, Mark was a member of the New Orleans Public School Partnership for Education, was named Louisiana School Volunteer of the Year in 2000, and is currently a Falmouth Town Meeting Member.

For more information about Mark and his campaign to bring common sense solutions to the U.S. Congress, visit

Mark Alliegro for Congress
Lloyd F. Thompson, 781-254-8757