SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Jan. 29, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Advanced Chiropractic Group would like to raise awareness about the benefits of combining chiropractic techniques with therapeutic massage for those who are undergoing situational or chronic stress in their lives. Stress can arise from any number of sources, however, for many people; their jobs are a primary cause of stress. For others, financial issues, family get-togethers, traveling, external pressures or having a generally hectic schedule can be the culprit. Unexpected bills, seasonal weather changes, and eating an unhealthy diet high in sugar and/or saturated fats can also stress the body, mind, and spirit.

Advanced Chiropractic Group would like to make Santa Barbara area residents aware of the value and benefits of chiropractic care combined with targeted, therapeutic massage for stress relief. No matter what the cause of stress, addressing trapped energy within the body and nervous system can help to bring relief at a deep level.

Chiropractors are trained on the functioning of the spine and nervous system. Subluxations or other issues can cause tension in this foundational system, and these tensions are exacerbated by stress. Stress can also cause prolonged contraction and muscle tension within the body, leading to uneven pressure in the musculoskeletal structure. These stresses can also cause nerve irritation.

The symptoms of stress are wide-ranging and can manifest even in persons who don’t fully realize that they are stressed. Chronic headaches or migraines, insomnia, increased irritability and generally unpredictable moods can all be indicators that stress has risen to unmanageable levels.

Chiropractic adjustments help to address and correct the physical results of stress so that the body can be rebalanced. An aligned spine fosters better relaxation and turns off the “fight or flight” response, leading to reduced anxiety and fewer stressful feelings.

The therapeutic massage techniques offered by Advanced Chiropractic Group provide patients with relaxation as well as speeds up the recovery time for injuries they may have. They include trigger point therapy, percussion massage, myofascial release, manual traction, joint mobilization, and spray and stretch. The techniques used will be selected based upon each client’s issues and situation. Combined with chiropractic care, these advanced massage modalities can bring deep and lasting relief from stress and its physical manifestations in the body.

Dr. Michael P. Hergenroether says, “These days, just about everyone is under some degree of stress. Chiropractic care along with complimenting techniques can be invaluable in offsetting and healing the effects of stress on the body.”

Advanced Chiropractic Group is located in Suite A-3 at 5350 Hollister Avenue in Santa Barbara, California. Those in the area who would like to learn more about their chiropractic services and stress relief techniques or book an appointment may do so by calling (805) 681-7322. Additional information about the Santa Barbara chiropractor is available at the Advanced Chiropractic Group website at

Advanced Chiropractic Group, (805) 681-7322

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