MONTREAL, Jan. 23, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Established in 1973, Roots is Canada's leading lifestyle brand with more than 120 retail locations throughout Canada and the United States, more than 40 in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and a thriving ecommerce business serving customers worldwide. In order to support its rapid domestic and international growth, Roots has implemented a fully-integrated ERP system from global fashion software specialist Momentis Systems.

With the recent growth of its international business, it is essential that Roots operate efficiently on a global scale. "We have a large number of channels including retailers, wholesale and franchisees operating all around the world which results in large data sets," says Sergio Gomez, IT Director at Roots. "We previously relied on multiple disparate systems which prevented us from getting a detailed overview of the entire business. With the Momentis Fashion System we have broken down information silos and are finally able to operate all of our channels from a unified system, which is finally letting us take advantage of the vast data at our disposal."

Managing its global operations from one central database, Roots has seen improved efficiencies from eliminating redundant activities and streamlining its supply chain. Gomez expresses particular appreciation for the Product Lifecycle Management module: "Momentis PLM facilitates inter-departmental collaboration and accelerates the design, sampling and sourcing processes. The data we now have access to with the push of a button gives us unprecedented visibility into our vendors and costing which has already drastically improved our decision making abilities."

Momentis is excited to see its valued partner move from a combination of Excel spreadsheets and dated Momentis legacy systems to the latest, fully integrated Momentis Fashion System. Commenting on the working relationship, Gomez concludes "we have an established relationship with Momentis which spans more than a decade. While we were aware of the upgrades available, Momentis isn't a typical pushy partner and instead listened to our needs and provided a solution at a time that suited us. I consider Momentis an integral part of our operation, very much a partner, who are always happy to assist where possible."

About Momentis

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Momentis is a global provider of software for fashion and apparel wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, franchisees and self-sourcing retailers.

The company has been specialising in ERP Apparel, Wholesale, Sourcing, Product Lifecycle Management and Franchisee Management products since 1975.

In 2012, Momentis established a presence in Europe, opening an office in Central London, UK and Momentis now supports over 250 brands worldwide. Momentis calculates that over $7.5 billion of sales are transacted through Momentis software every year in over 60 different countries, across North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

For more information about Momentis, visit their website at  or send an email to

For more information about Roots, visit their website at

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