HEIDELBERG, Germany, January 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

The great and the good of the international retail communitywill be flocking tothe NRF Annual Convention & EXPO in New York from 14-16 January. To make sure that the 35,000 visitors have no trouble finding their way around, the event app created by market leaders Eventbase incorporates state-of-the-art German map technology. Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH's Deep Mapprovides an ideal solution, with its extremely accurate 3D representation of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center's highly complex design and convenient four-floor indoor/outdoor navigation. 

     (Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/626936/Heidelberg_Mobil_Deep_Map.jpg )

Just one week after benefiting huge numbers of visitors to the Consumer Electronics Show, Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH's Deep Map™ technology is now set to make its latest appearance at the next mega-event in the US. All four floors of New York's Javits Center were meticulously digitized to create the map for Retail's BIG Show, the retail industry's leading trade fair. Known as the "marketplace of the world", the venue is famed for its ambitious and futuristic design. To visualize this accurately is a huge challenge, but Deep Map™ technology was up to the job.

"The mobile event map provides a realistic depiction of all the unique architectural features of this multifloor building, as well as the 700-plus exhibition stands and all the session rooms", explains Heidelberg Mobil's Managing Director Dr. Matthias Jöst. "Our technology adds a spatial dimension to the app created by our partners Eventbase."

A convenient wayfinding function using Bluetooth beacons guides visitors and exhibitors directly to their destination, while a quick overview is provided by the logos of the premium sponsors, who include IBM, SAP, Google and Microsoft. The map also covers the surrounding area: 16 hotels in the vicinity of the Javits Center are shown on the integrated "Hotel Map", ensuring that even once they have left the venue people can still find their way around.

About Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH

To help people find their way around urban spaces - this has been our goal since 1998. Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH's Deep Map™ technology enables seamless indoor and outdoor navigation of complex sites. A staff of fifty supports our customers and long-standing partners with the implementation of location-based solutions across a wide range of different industries. After all, in today's dynamically connected world, seamless mobility and optimal orientation are hugely important to everyone, particularly in the context of the digital revolution. The event industry, with its complex space, time and infrastructure requirements, is just one example.

Science and research are at the root of what we do and form an important part of our day-to-day work at Heidelberg University campus. Our engagement in research projects, networks and international academic exchange enables us to actively drive new developments in the fields of spatial analytics, location-based services and human-computer interaction.

Contact Germany:
Dr. Matthias Jöst
+49-6221 / 4299-300

Contact North America:
Pascal Morschbach

Press contact:
Heike Mihm
+49-6221 / 4299-345

More information available on http://www.deep-map.com and http://www.heidelberg-mobil.com/en/news


A picture accompanying this release is available in the AP PhotoExpress feed using ref# PRN1199785

SOURCE Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH