Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The New Trends of Global Clinical Development Outsourcing Market" report to their offering.

Based on our research, we forecast that the global clinical trial service market will likely reach more than $64 B by 2020, up from $38.4 B at present, representing a CAGR of 9% between 2015 and 2020. By 2020 the average clinical trial outsourcing penetration will likely reach around 72%. In other words, by then close to three fourths of clinical trials will likely be performed by professional CROs.

The report, The New Trends of Global Clinical Development Outsourcing Market, provides unique insights into the current development states and the future growth potentials of the global clinical trial service market. The report is designed to reveal the latest development trends of this outsourcing service market in both the developed countries and the emerging countries, including the detailed insights of the new clinical trial outsourcing strategies of major pharma and R&D-focused biotech companies and their current service demands in each of these regions. It also includes the analyses on the new developments of evolving technologies, approaches, and service models for improving clinical trial efficiency. Moreover, the report contains the in-depth analyses of all positive and negative factors that will determine the future growth directions and paces of the clinical trial outsourcing market on both global and regional scale.

The report provides readers a complete picture of the current state of the global clinical trial service market and a clear insight of its future growth potential. It is a must-read book to all pharmaceutical and R&D-focused biotechnology companies that seek clinical trial outsourcing opportunities, clinical trial service providers that need to conceive their future development directions, and venture capital investors that are looking for investment opportunities in the global pharmaceutical outsourcing industry.

Key Findings of the Report

  • It has commonly agreed that clinical trials have become increasingly complicated and take more effort to manage
  • Moreover, the current global environment is also forcing drug companies to come up with better drugs that are developed at lower cost
  • Challenged by the situation, a new model of virtually integrated drug development has evolved
  • At present the developed countries still dominate the global clinical trial market
  • Today those major CROs in the developed countries that have sufficiently large facilities, globe-wide capacity, networked investigators, patient database and effective recruiting tools, etc. are increasingly approached by drug companies for close partnership collaboration. It thus results in more consolidations through M&As in the CRO industry.
  • On the other hand, because of the increasing complexity of clinical trials, those small to medium-sized CROs that possess niche technical capability are still needed for functional services
  • In parallel to the two CRO sectors, the global clinical trial service market is also split between the developed countries and the emerging markets
  • Among the emerging countries, Asia has become a prominent location for clinical trials
  • As clinical trial cost is still a concern to all drug companies, the CRO model in the low cost regions is considered a right model as long as they are able to deliver the desired quality of service
  • In the forecasted global market, the developed countries will likely account for about 66.8% by 2020, down from 76% at present; whereas the emerging countries combined together will likely account for 25.2%, up from 15.7% at present

Key Topics Covered:

Chapter One - Latest Trends of Global Clinical Development Outsourcing

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Analysis of low productivity of clinical development

1.3 Low success rates forcing drug companies to make reform on their R&D

1.4 Major pharma companies' new R&D focuses

1.5 Major pharma companies' new R&D models

1.6 Major pharma companies' new R&D outsourcing strategies

1.7 Biotech companies' current R&D outsourcing demands and strategies

1.8 Latest trends of global clinical trial outsourcing

Chapter Two - Latest Trends of Clinical Development Outsourcing in Developed Countries

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Current trends of clinical trials in developed countries

2.3 Major pharma companies' current clinical trial outsourcing demands, strategies and activities

2.4 Current clinical trial outsourcing demands of biotech companies

2.5 Latest trends in clinical trial service market in developed countries

Chapter Three - Latest Trends of Clinical Development Outsourcing in Emerging Countries

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Emerging countries gaining more shares in global clinical trial market

3.3 Latest trends of clinical trials in Asia

3.4 Latest trends of clinical trials in East Europe

3.5 Latest trends of clinical trials in Latin America

Chapter Four - Outlook of Future Growth Potentials of Global Clinical Development Outsourcing Market

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Analysis of future clinical trial outsourcing strategies of major pharma companies

4.3 Analysis of future development trends of global clinical trial industry

4.4 Analysis of future growth patterns of global CRO industry

4.5 Analysis of future growth potentials of global clinical trial outsourcing market

4.6 Analysis of future growth potentials of clinical trial outsourcing market in developed countries

4.7 Analysis of future growth potentials of clinical trial outsourcing market in emerging countries

4.8 Preferred CROs - Major pharma's selection criteria and CRO's development goals

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