Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Global Artillery and Systems Market 2015-2025 - Market Size and Drivers: Market Profile" report to their offering.

This report provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of the Artillery and Systems market through 2015-2025, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulators for Artillery and Systems. It also provides an insight on the spending pattern and modernization pattern in different regions around the world.

Reasons To Buy

- Gain insight into the Artillery and Systems market with current and forecast market values.

- Understand the key drivers and attractiveness parameters of the global Artillery and Systems market.

- Understand the various factors impacting the growth of the Artillery and Systems market.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Introduction

2 Global Military Artillery and Systems Market Size and Drivers

2.1 Military Artillery and Systems Market Size and Forecast 2015-2025

2.1.1 Global military artillery and systems market to show positive growth during the forecast period

2.2 Global Military Artillery and Systems Market - Regional Analysis

2.2.1 Bound by border conflicts and geographical limitations, Asia Pacific is to lead the artillery and systems market over the forecast period

2.2.2 Focus on indigenous development and regional rivalry to drive expenditure on artillery and systems in the Asia-Pacific region over the forecast period

2.2.3 Modernization and upgrade of existing artillery systems to drive North American spending on military artillery and systems market during the forecast period

2.2.4 Europe is expected to account for 16% share of the artillery and systems market

2.2.5 Military artillery and systems market in the Middle East to increase during the forecast period

2.2.6 Brazil expected to be the highest spender in the military artillery and systems sector in the Latin American region

2.2.7 African markets expected to witness a gradual increase in military artillery and systems spending over the forecast period

2.3 Military Artillery and systems Sub-Sector Market Size Composition

2.3.1 Self-Propelled Artillery and systems expected to constitute the largest segment

2.3.2 Towed artillery systems expected to constitute the second largest segment

2.3.3 Other artillery and systems market to register a CAGR of 3.10% over the forecast period

2.3.4 Mortar artillery and systems to be the fourth largest segment in the global artillery and systems market

2.4 Demand Drivers and Growth Stimulators

2.4.1 Force modernization initiatives by various countries to drive the global artillery and systems market

2.4.2 Regional conflicts and instability to drive artillery and systems procurement

2.5 Defense Budget Spending Review

2.5.1 Asian defense budgets expected to increase at a robust pace

2.5.2 North American defense expenditure projected to increase marginally during the forecast period

2.5.3 European capital expenditure expected to increase during the forecast period

2.5.4 Modernization programs likely to drive defense expenditure in South American countries

2.5.5 Military budgets of African countries expected to increase during the forecast period

2.5.6 Defense budgets of Middle Eastern countries likely to increase during the forecast period

2.6 Defense Modernization Review

2.6.1 Financial constraints causing delays in European defense modernization programs

2.6.2 Defense budgets of Asian countries likely to be driven by competitive arms acquisitions

2.6.3 Global economic slowdown leading to defense budget cuts in the North American region

2.6.4 Need to replace aging equipment driving South American defense expenditure

2.6.5 Security threats increasing the defense budget of African countries

2.6.6 Demand for armored vehicles is likely to increase in the Middle East

3 Appendix

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