Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools: Market Analysis & Forecast - Third Edition" report to their offering.

The Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools market is beginning to mature as revenue growth slows. We expect the market to grow from $3.2 billion US dollars in 2013 to $3.6 US dollars in 2014, representing a 14% growth rate. This is a decrease from the 97% rate we saw in 2013.

This study covers cross platform mobile development tools that enable developers to write applications, using a variety of languages that run on multiple mobile operating systems with minimal code changes.

From a geographic perspective, the large and increasingly technical populations in the Asia Pacific region present the greatest opportunity for mobile development tools vendors. The enterprise is also an important market segment contributing representing the vast majority of revenues for tools vendors.

A variety of factors contribute to this trend:

  • Increased popularity of native apps - Developers are still struggling with the limitations of cross platform development. The performance of web technologies and access to device level functionality are cited by developers as significant challenges, pushing them toward native app development.
  • Growth of mobile developer population is slowing - The percentage of mobile developers with less than one year experience is decreasing, indicating the rate at which new developers entering the field is decelerating.
  • Diminishing productivity returns - Developers are reporting less efficiency gains when using cross platform mobile development tools compared to previous years. The drop is eroding the perceived value of tools.
  • Spending per developer is dropping - The investment made on mobile development tools on a per developer basis has dropped over the past 14 months.

Key Topics Covered:

1.0 Chapter One: Market Structure

2.0 Chapter Two: Trends, Drivers & Strategies

3.0 Chapter Three: Developer Survey

4.0 Chapter Four: Forecasts

5.0 Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations

6.0 Chapter Six: Vendor Profiles

  • Adobe
  • Intel Corporation
  • IBM
  • Motorola Solutions
  • Sencha Inc.
  • Xamarin

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