Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Cascade Laser (CL) Technology Components & Systems: Technology and Market trends" report to their offering.

The Cascade Laser (CL) market is expected to grow from 148M$ in 2015 up to 1.7B$ in 2024 with a strong CAGR increase due to the maturation of commercial products using CL components.

The first CL-based systems for applications outside research labs were sold in the 2000's. CL-based systems for spectroscopy or imaging are still expensive (often above 50-100 k$) compared to existing technologies (UV, NIR) despite around 4000-5000 CL sources are sold yearly in 2014-2015.

Multigas detection for industrial applications is expected to be the biggest market for the next 5 years. However, transports and healthcare applications are expected to take off and become the biggest markets in longer terms, representing more than 50% of the total business.

In healthcare, CLs sources are a key component for Point-of-Care devices. In transport, the 3 main applications will be: exhaust analysis for engine design and certification; vehicle emissions monitoring and jet fuel control.

The present report provides extensive market data in M$ from 2014 to 2024 for different applications: Industry, Security & Defence, Environment, Health Care, Transports.

The CL market is a young market. The CL based first systems were sold in the 2000's. Currently, the MIR spectrum is more and more adopted as it enlarges the capabilities of spectroscopy. CL technology, thanks to its narrow linewidth and good wavelength tunability, is suitable for applications like industrial sensing: explosives or chemical detection; or light sources for IR imaging systems, medical diagnostic and spectroscopic applications.

Today, the segments industry, environment and transports are the most mature and the biggest ones, while the military applications represent by far the biggest part of the security and defence application market.

Objectives of the Report:

- To provide an overview of Cascade Laser (CL) based systems on the market and under development, including the CL source, the driver, the beam transport accessories

- To define and analyze the different business segments of the market

- To provide a market forecast until 2024 for each application

- To underline main challenges to be addressed both on technology side and application side on the short, mid and long-term

- To identify CL main industries and R&D players worldwide

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. CL Technology And Market

3. CL Components For Systems

4. CL Systems

5. CL Applications

6. Conclusions

7. Appendices

Companies Mentioned - Partial List


- ADTech Optics

- AP2E

- ART Photonics


- Aerodyne Research

- Aerovia

- Airbus

- Airoptic

- Alpes

- Anasys Instruments

- Arclès

- BioOptics

- Block Engineering

- Bruker

- Cascade Technologies

- Ceramoptec

- Clinicon

- Company


- Daylight Solutions

- Durasens


- ES


- Elbit Systems

- Eralytics

- Fibre Photonics

- Frankfurt Laser

- Gasera

- Genia Photonics

- Glycolaser

- Hamamatsu Photonics

- Horiba

- IR Flex

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