NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network that are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. If you are interested in interviewing any of the experts, please contact them via the contact information at the end of the listing.

If you are in need of additional experts, you can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network. You can filter your request by institution type and geographic location to get the most targeted responses. The best part? It's free! Just fill out the query form to get started:

If you have any questions or need assistance with any aspect of ProfNet, please drop us a note at


    --  How Do You Use Mobile in Your Reporting?


    --  Tips on Traveling to Cuba
    --  January a Popular Month for Divorce
    --  Impact of a Woman President on the U.S.


    --  Staff Writer - Nerd Wallet (CA)
    --  Technology Writer - The Cheat Sheet (NY)
    --  Senior Editor/Writer - Our State Magazine (NC)


    --  Media 411: Keeping Safe on a High-Risk Job
    --  Tips to Stop Spreading Yourself Too Thin on Social Media
    --  PR Newswire's Media Moves, Jan. 12 Edition


To better understand how members of the media use mobile devices (phones or tablets) to produce stories, PR Newswire for Journalists is asking users to participate in a quick, eight-question survey. The survey will remain open until Feb. 15:


Tips on Traveling to Cuba
Bill Abbott
President & Founder
Wilderness Travel
"There's a feeling that things are going to change soon in Cuba. At the moment, you have this place that's really lost in the 1950s; Cuba definitely lives up to this idea of a quirky little island lost in time. The country is well worth visiting and you should do it soon before it changes."
Having just returned from a People to People Exchange small ship cruise in Cuba in December, Abbott is able to provide insight on travel by boat to Cuba, the current mood and feelings of the Cuban people, and why you should travel to Cuba soon. Wilderness Travel offers one of the only People to People Exchange small ship cruises to Cuba.
Contact: Lyn Mettler,

January a Popular Month for Divorce
Matthew D. Johnson
Director, Marriage and Family Studies Laboratory
Binghamton University
January may be the beginning of the new year, but it also marks the end to a lot of marriages. Experts point to a number of factors, including seasonal depression and the end of the holidays. Johnson notes that depression and marital problems go hand-in-hand: "If you are depressed and you're married, you probably have marital problems. These can often be addressed in couples therapy. While some marriages should end, divorce is a serious step that should not be undertaken lightly. In addition to having an impact on children and society more broadly, divorce is one of the few events in a person's life that will actually drop life satisfaction and keep it down permanently. That's just one example of why divorce is something to consider carefully, not impulsively."
ProfNet Profile:
Media Contact: Ryan Yarosh,

Impact of a Woman President on the U.S.
Dr. Frieda Birnbaum
Research Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
"If a woman was elected to the highest office in the land, it would forever be a game changer and a great equalizer in the way women are perceived. A female commander-in-chief would be an inspiration to all women to truly realize there is no limit to what they can achieve and, yes, they can wield the same power as men. A woman president could have a positive impact on millions of Americans, as it would also send a definitive signal that both men and women can be equal breadwinners and equal family caretakers. When the roles of men and women are balanced and both are equally valued and respected on a national scale, a bright future lays a head for all."
New York-based Birnbaum is author of "What Price Power: An In-Depth Study of the Professional Woman in a Relationship." She's an expert on depression, women's issues, and attaining happiness. She was featured on "Oprah" and "20/20" as the oldest mother in the U.S. to have twins.
Media Contact: Ryan McCormick,


Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

    --  Staff Writer - Nerd Wallet (CA)
    --  Technology Writer - The Cheat Sheet (NY)
    --  Senior Editor/Writer - Our State Magazine (NC)


Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line.

    --  MEDIA 411: KEEPING SAFE ON A HIGH-RISK JOB. The events that took place
        in Paris have left people in the media community and all over the world
        stunned, angry and sad. This week's Media 411 shares advice on staying
        safe if you're a journalist working in an area of conflict:
        social media platforms available to us, it's tempting to use them all --
        but how can you determine which ones will really benefit you and which
        ones will just eat up your time? Kemari Howell of Pubsoft shares her
        tips for determining which social media site is right for you so you
        don't spread yourself too thin:
    --  PR NEWSWIRE'S MEDIA MOVES, JAN. 12 EDITION. PR Newswire's weekly
        audience research newsletter, PR Newswire's Media Moves, is chock-full
        of media news and job changes. In this week's issue, you'll read updates
        on Dallas Morning News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Washington Post, The
        Atlantic, Southern Living, NPR, Politico, Harper's Bazaar, and more:


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