PowerRunner, LLC today announced that it has developed an enterprise solution that joins operational data from the OSIsoft® PI System™ with other utility IT sources, providing utilities with the granular visibility needed to support DER integration and associated financial transactions.

The PowerRunner Energy Platform™ is an intuitive, business-centric application platform that joins disparate internal and external, time-series data sources, resulting in a single source of accurate analysis across the utility enterprise. PowerRunner now joins PI System OT data from AMI, DMS, and GIS systems with utility commercial IT systems such as CIS, rate engines, and other financial applications through highly configurable data management and security layers. As a result, key utility managers will now have access to highly-granular data for financial and operational analysis, in near real-time.

“The convergence of both commercial and operational models in real-time will be necessary to determine the relative value of all transactions, and overall value of all DER and conventional generation assets on the grid,” said Jason Iacobucci, President of PowerRunner, LLC. “In the short term, this convergence will facilitate better DER valuation and infrastructure planning while providing cost-efficiency studies to support new rate cases. In the longer term, it is the pathway to what may well become distribution locational pricing, similar to wholesale LMP markets, which is essential to supporting retail energy transactions.”

About PowerRunner, LLC
PowerRunner, LLC provides an intuitive, business-centric application platform that joins disparate internal and external, time-series data sources, resulting in a single source of highly granular, accurate analysis across the Utility enterprise. The PowerRunner™ platform supports meter data analytics, such as sub-hourly load factor, power factor, asset loading and coincident peak analysis on all system assets and asset level load, as well as generation and revenue forecasting. Visit www.powerrunner.com.