l.l_t•.. PetroL1.nvest

Warsaw, 4 January 2013

Press Release

PETROLINVEST HAS SIGNED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LEADING CHINESE ENERGY COMPANY On 4 January 2013, Petrolinvest signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) regarding CNPN's intention to make an equity investment in Petrolinvest's Kazakh subsidiary- OTG.

The memorandum was sìgned on behalf of CNPC by the Kazakh company CNPC lnternatìonal (Kazakhstan) Ltd. whìch oversees ali of CNPC's ìnvestments ìn Kazakhstan. The Chìnese company ìs ìnterested ìn makìng an equìty ìnvestment ìn OTG - a company ìn whìch Petrolìnvest has 88.1% of shares - on terms to be agreed upon by the partìes.

OTG has a contract for the exploratìon and productìon of hydrocarbons coverìng an area located ìn the northern part of Kazakhstan, ìncludìng the geologìcal structures of Koblandy, Shyrak, Ayganym, Bestau and Tamdy. The prospectìve resources of the OTG contract have been estìmated by a reputable ìndependent expert McDanìel & Assocìates Consultants at 1.9 bìllìon barrels of oìl equìvalent, wìth the value of prospectìve resources wìthìn the contract estìmated at USD 2.3 bìllìon.

The CNPC corporation enjoys the position of a renowned investor in Kazakhstan. They have a number of exploration assets in that country, some of which are located in the immediate vicinity of our contract held by OTG, which -in the event of CNPC making an equity investment in our subsidiary­ wi/1 make it possible to share a part of the infrastructure required far the industriai production ofthe deposit- saìd Bertrand Le Guern, Presìdent ofthe Management Board of Petrolìnvest S.A.

CNPC ìs Chìna's largest fuel corporatìon and one of the leadìng energy companìes ìn the world, wìth oìl and gas productìon and exploratìon assets ìn more than 30 countrìes around the world and wìth a daìly productìon of approxìmately 3 mìllìon barrels of oìl and 240 mìllìon cubìc metres of natural gas. In 2011, CNPC's revenues amounted to aver USD 350 bìllìon, whìle the company's net profìt exceeded USD 16 bìllìon. CNPC ìs aIso the maìn shareholder of PetroChìna,the largest Chìnese oìl and gas producer, lìsted on the stock exchanges of New York, Hong Kong and Shanghaì. Sìnce 1997,CNPC has been actìvely present ìn Kazakhstan, where ìt carrìes out productìon from five deposìts and ìs ìnvolved ìn the constructìon and management of oìl and gas pìpelìnes connectìng Kazakhstan wìth Chìna. In addìtìon, together wìth KazMunaìGaz, CNPC ìs a shareholder of PetroKazakhstan - a company ìnvolved ìn deposìt productìon actìvìtìes ìn Kazakhstan.

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This document is a translation.

The Polish original should be referred to in matters of interpretation


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