BERLIN, N.J., Jan. 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Last week the President announced an action plan to combat climate change and nurture renewable energy growth. Biofuel has been the topic of conversations from Wall Street to school board meetings for years, mostly about synfuel extracted from algae - the newest feedstock of choice. Asserted in the President's action plan is that "carbon pollution is the biggest driver of climate change." Duckweed USA agrees with the principles underlying the #ActOnClimate wave of discussion, but offers a superior alternative means of reversing the climate crisis.

Until recently, the creation of biofuel (synfuel, specifically) had its advantages and disadvantages. Producing a petroleum oil substitute without fossil fuels, required a high amount of energy and feedstock, making production costs higher than the value of the barrel produced. This has led to mixed sentiments about renewables, and in regions where legislation mandated specific minimums of renewable energy usage and implemented credit systems, higher monthly utility bills are the tradeoff. Duckweed USA has developed a thermodynamically reversible process that instead converts algae, waste water and even vegetable oils into clean jet fuel, diesel fuel or gasoline for less than $1 per gallon.

Using the patented Linear Venturi Kinetic Nozzle changes the aquatic-mass-to-energy process to one that requires no high-heat processes nor chemicals. 90% of the energy used in production is recoverable and feedstock is self-replenishing. With 3 variables in production cost nearly eliminated, the ideas of energy independence and financial self-sufficiency are now viable options at any level. For investors, no plummet in oil prices can spoil profitability projections when production is under $40 per barrel. Domestically and globally, this breakthrough opens doors to new opportunities of growth never before seen.

Interested parties thus far range from individuals, small towns like Sparta, Georgia, institutions like Rutgers University and countries from Europe to Africa. Sparta has been struggling since the 1980s, but now looks to the production of 16,000 gallons of clean synfuel daily from which the town will see soaring employment rates, financial surplus and a revitalized infrastructure that creates prosperity for as long as energy is needed.

For stakeholders at any level, the bottom line is, as Michael Rigolizzo states, "Our system turns energy liabilities into assets. Every school bus that needs gasoline to every jet that needs fuel is a point of profit for synfuel-producing communities instead of a cost." Duckweed believes its patented process could revolutionize the President's action plan, the combination of energy types needed and especially the costs to be incurred by taxpayers. "By the time the 5-year initial phase of the action plan would be completed, the Duckweed process could be established - and turning profits - in every community along the Keystone Pipeline," says Rigolizzo.

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