Landlords of tenant dairy farmers are being urged to review how much they charge in rents, the NFU Tenants Forum said today.

The call comes following the recent round of farmgate milk price cuts and First Milk's announcement last week to delay its next milk payment by two weeks. 

NFU Tenants Forum national spokesman Chris Cardell said: "I want to see all landlords be understanding towards tenant dairy farmers in regard to rent, particularly those hard pressed First Milk suppliers who are under extreme financial pressure at this time.

"Obviously some of these will be on very high rents and may need some consideration from landlords in these times of trouble. Indeed some may be in a very good position to issue a rent review notice to the landlord this spring triggering a rent reduction negotiation.

"We would further ask that any rent reviews to increase dairy farm rents are postponed during this difficult time and landlords provide any other assistance they can to tenant dairy farmers that have been and could be so badly affected in the future."

Any members with questions on this issue can phone NFU Tenants Line on 0370 300 0288.

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