Jan. 29, 2014  Wed.

Do you know how much the current manual processing of invoices costs the world? In order to provide paper invoices, we need to chop down 80,000 trees annually, and the length of paper used is long enough to wrap around the earth 46 times.

With the elimination of printing, the use of electronic invoices can lead to considerable savings in resources for both enterprises and consumers. In addition, the use of e-invoices can shorten transaction flows, and enterprises can save on accounting costs.

E-Invoices can be stored in membership cards, credit cards, financial cards, Easy Cards and cell phone barcodes.

Consumers do not have to keep paper invoices. Membership card and cell phone barcode users will be notified if they have won a prize by sellers or the e-Invoice Platform (https://www. einvoice.nat.gov.tw/wSite/mp) Consumers can also use the Citizen Digital Certificate easily to check the E-Invoice Platform to see if they have won a prize or not. Using e-invoices will be a win-win situation for the public and the natural environment.

For questions or concerns, you are welcome to visit the website of the National Tax Administration of Central Taiwan Province, Ministry of Finance (http://www.ntact.gov.tw), or call the toll-free phone number 0800-000-321. We will serve you with all sincerity.

(Provided by Planning Division, Miss. Lo Yi-ping, Revenue officer) Tel. No.: 04-23051111 Extension 8513)

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