Sweden to resume investment in Iran
Monday, Jan 20, 2014

(SHADA: TEHRAN) - During a meeting held at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance on Monday between a Swedish delegation and Iran's Deputy Economy Minister, visiting representatives of the Swedish Banking sector announced that Swedish private sector is ready to return to investing in Iran's lucrative market in the near future.

The Iranian Deputy Minister, Dr. Shapour Mohammadi, for his part, referred to the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 countries and said the two Iranian-Swedish nations historically had very good relations but the Geneva agreement​​ has made ​​possible a further and stronger expansion of economic and trade relations between the two sides.

Mohammadi highlighted Sweden's auto industry and Hi-tech sectors as the most attractive for the Islamic Republic for further cooperation, adding that the Iranian auto industry is also one of the biggest and most rapidly expanding local markets, accounting for approximately 8 percent of Iran's GDP at the moment.

Meanwhile, the head of Swedish delegation expressed the willingness of his country's banks and industry to return to the Iranian market thanks to the recent breakthrough in Iran's relations with the West.

"From our point of view, Iran has always been one of the most reliable countries in payments and the problems occurred over the last year or two will not leave serious marks on our bilateral relations," he noted.

The Swedish side also invited the Deputy Economy Minister for a visit to Sweden and expressed hope that they would be hosting an Iranian delegation soon.

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