(SHADA: TEHRAN) - According to a recent report released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), the country's foreign trade in the calendar month of Azar (November 21 - December 21) reached 9.655 billion dollars, the highest in nine months of the current calendar year (starting March 21, 2013).

The non-oil exports constituted some 4.636 billion dollars of the total trade volume while 5.019 billion dollars accounted for the items imported to the Islamic Republic, the report noted.

IRICA's data show a growing trend in Iran's foreign trade over the last couple of months as Iranian traders have experienced 2.21 billion dollars trade surplus in Azar as compared to a month earlier.  Iran's total trade in the calendar month of Aban (October 21 - November 21) demonstrated a 7.634 billion dollars surplus, one percent higher than that in Mehr (USD 7.318 billion).

The country's total exports since March 21st stood at USD 29.241 billion while imports hit USD 33.266 billion, IRICA added.

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