The board of directors is increasing in size. A Dutch moves into the committee
to inspire the operating business. Thomas van Rooij will become the new Chief
Operating Officer within the executive committee of the Lottoarena
Entertainment Plc. Since the 3rd of October Mr. van Rooij is also the acting
CEO of Lottoarena Spielsysteme GmbH, thus Mr. van Rooij will play a defining
role in the fortunes of the group in the future.

Through a major project in Dallas in 1978, Mr. van Rooij generated the initial
contacts in the telecommunication premium rate industry (TC value-added
services) in the US. In 1983 Mr van Rooij introduce, in cooperation with PTT
(KPN today), the first TC value-added services within the Netherlands. Until
1993 the company expanded into 21 countries with more then 1400 employees.

In 1993 Mr van Rooij participated as one of the first 8 consultants in the
project "Deutsche Telekom". Based on the expansion of TC value-added services,
a 50/50 joint venture was entered with the Beate Uhse group in 1994. After the
IPO of Beate Uhse AG in 1997 Mr. van Rooij sold his stake on the joint venture
and created a new company group, which merged in 2003 into the Q1 Deutschland
AG. A rapid rise of Q1 Deutschland AG leads to a market leading position with a
yearly revenue of 325 million ? Euros. At the end of 2005, Mr van Rooij decided
to retire from his position as Chief Executive Officer after 23 years of
operative activity.

Following several supervisory board and consultation mandates Mr. van Rooij
returned in 2008 into the operative business, centralizing his overall holding
activities in 2008/2009 in Belgium, and successively parted with his worldwide
telecommunication activities.

Since 2009 Mr van Rooij concerns himself with the online gaming business on a
international level.

Thomas van Rooij: "Now comes the return to Germany. I want to make a difference
in this exciting business and build up the Lottoarena group to a leading player
within Germany and Europe.

We are pleased that with with Mr van Rooij, we have won an experienced and
successful entrepreneur for the Lottoarena group.

End of announcement

Master data on

Lottoarena Entertainment Plc.

ISIN: GB00B55YJ599

Symbol: LOTO

First Quote (MTF) GXG Markets, London, England

Sector: Gaming and Lottery

Type: Registered Shares

Investor relations:

Jürgen Fligge

T. +49-2131 7600-422

F. +49 2131 7600-488