STORY: :: The London Clown Festival celebrates contemporary clowning

:: with a new generation of performers

:: July 8, 2024

:: Riss Obolensky, Drag king and clown

"The kind of public perception of clown, of like, you know, killer clowns, like, in the woods, like, (laughs) I think that's getting quite old now. I think that's what's beautiful about a clown is that you can just come as you are. And I think, you know, if you're not feeling it, if you don't find it funny, you don't have to laugh. But it, you know, a clown's job is to find connection with the audience and find connection with, like, you know, you. So bring what you want to bring and we'll play with it."

(Reporter asking: 'Is it what you expected?')

:: Jessamine McHugh, Audience member

"No, I don't know what I expected, but I don't think it was this. I didn't realise that they could be so different from the traditional clown, that they could really be pastiches of characters that you might encounter either in day-to-day life or in other media."

Running from July 8 until July 26, the London Clown Festival showcases clowning and physical performance from Britain and other countries.

The festival's line-up includes the silent clowning act "Furiozo", described as "an aggressive hooligan with a giant heart" and diva "Madame Senorita", who teases her audience.