Jericho Systems Corporation, developer of award-winning privacy technology and externalized attribute-based access control (ABAC) software solutions, announced that its technology was used to implement private HIPAA Self-Pay at the Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Connectathon.

The HIPAA Self-Pay Rule allows patients who pay for a healthcare product or service out-of-pocket to keep this information private from their health insurer. Healthcare organizations, facing penalties as high as $1.5 million per violation for noncompliance, need the ability to fulfill patient requests to withhold self-pay information.

The FHIR demonstration was an important step toward providing that ability and protecting transferred information tied to self-pay procedures. Jericho Systems' EnterSpace® Exchange technology enabled use of patients' own consent directives, or personal privacy policies, to selectively filter shared information using the proposed FHIR data profile.

"This effort illustrates how Jericho's technology promotes transparency and patient trust that are critical in the healthcare domain," said CTO David Staggs.

EnterSpace Exchange was used by HL7 participant Duane DeCouteau of Edmond Scientific to implement the use case for Experimental Scenario 4.3 - Claims Messaging (HIPAA Self-Pay). In this experimental scenario, a claim message gets sent to the inbox of an adjudicator and an adjudication response message is returned.

Jericho Systems contributed policy based access control for the exchange of health information at the HL7 FHIR interoperability demonstration prior to the HL7 January 2014 Working Group Meeting in San Antonio, TX. The demonstration was repeated at the Collaborative Based Community Care (CBCC) / Security joint working group meeting.

Jericho's CEO Brynn Mow said, "With the ever expanding quantity of healthcare data, Jericho's EnterSpace Exchange software is a critical tool to protect patient privacy and sensitive information."

About Jericho Systems Corporation

Dallas-based Jericho Systems Corporation provides enterprise-scalable privacy and security solutions, with its largest customers representing the healthcare, Department of Defense, intelligence, and homeland security communities. Jericho specializes in fine-grained, policy-based data filtering technology that supports dynamic, attribute-based access control (ABAC). Jericho's EnterSpace Exchange PatientPortal TM was recognized as a "Best Privacy Technology of 2012" at the Second International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy.

EnterSpace Technology® is covered by United States patents 7,779,247, 7,792,828, 8,060,504, 8,438,159 and 8,560,836. For more information or to arrange a product demonstration, please call 972-231-2000, email, or visit

Jericho Systems Corporation
Wendy Sunshine, 972-231-2000
Christopher De Garza, 972-231-2000