Atlanta-based Hotel Equities recently promoted President Brad Rahinsky to the position of President & Chief Executive Officer. Fred Cerrone, founder of the firm, retains the position of Chairman. The promotion follows a unanimous vote by the firm’s Board of Directors.

“An extraordinary leader with an astute business mind, Brad brings that rare mix of business acumen and street sense to his position as the President & CEO,” said Cerrone. “He has used his exceptional leadership skills to attract top talent to our team and grow the company with an eye towards the future.”

“Brad’s ability to drive results to both the top and bottom line of our growing portfolio and consistently motivate leadership is remarkable. He has proved himself to be a loyal colleague, a mentor and visionary willing to break new ground and inspire others to follow. A man of integrity and faith, Brad embraces our company culture and lives it daily.”

Mr. Rahinsky joined Hotel Equities five years ago, with a comprehensive background in hospitality operations, sales and marketing and business development. As Vice President of Operations, his first position, he took charge of strategic planning and the organization’s day-to-day activities.

To handle the firm’s expansion, Rahinsky both recruited and promoted talent to the team, including the addition of multiple Vice Presidents and Regional Directors of Operations along with additional leadership in revenue management, sales, financial support, training and marketing initiatives. The timely additions have propelled Hotel Equities’ success and set it on a course for sustained growth and opportunity. Development and third-party partnerships continue to expand and the firm expects excellent results for the foreseeable future.

“I am honored and humbled to help guide this first-class organization in its 28th year,” said Rahinsky. “For the past five years, I’ve had the privilege of spending a significant amount of time with Coach (Fred Cerrone) who has shared his insights and wisdom as well as his vision for the firm.

“Hospitality is a team sport. We have assembled a very talented and experienced group of leaders who are committed to the plan, genuinely caring of one another and passionate about the business. The future looks very bright for Hotel Equities and its valued partners.”