Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Mini MBA for In-house Lawyers" conference to their offering.

This intensive four-day programme uses up-to-date MBA thinking and techniques to focus on the real and challenging issues that are confronting today's in-house legal departments.

The expert trainers from a legal and business background will share with participants their own experiences from working as in-house lawyers and business managers. They will refer to and explore up-to-the-minute management and leadership methodologies and techniques. This programme also offers a unique opportunity to share existing best practice and establish industry-wide norms with colleagues from different organisations and countries.


Day One

09.00 Registration and refreshments

09.30 Welcome, introductions and objectives setting

Mark Prebble, Lawyers in Business

09.45 MODULE 1: Business strategy and strategic planning

Your strategy

Strategy, tactics and choices

11.00 Refreshments

11.15 Strategies for winning v strategies for success

13.00 Lunch

14.00 MODULE 2: Developing your strategy for legal services

15.30 Refreshments

15.45 Selecting and selling the right options for the provision of legal services

PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Developing a blueprint

17.00 Close of day one

Day Two

09.00 Refreshments

09.30 MODULE 3: Leading and managing strategic change

Strategy, change and people

How you experience change

11.00 Refreshments

11.15 The change toolkit

13.00 Lunch

14.00 MODULE 4: Project management and team-work

The essentials of project management

PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Applying the project management approach to your work

15.00 Refreshments

15.15 Teamwork

PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Developing the in-house legal team

17.00 Close of day two

Day Three

09.00 Refreshments

09.30 MODULE 5: Understanding the business from a financial perspective

The history and the accounts

11.00 Refreshments

11.15 The future and the need for business processes

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Practical exercise: Forecasting cashflow, profit and loss and a balance sheet

MODULE 6: Managing a budget and external expenditure

15.30 Refreshments

15.45 Finding ways of operating more creative and win-win' fee arrangements

Making sure there are no unforeseen surprises on fees

17.00 Close of day three

Day Four

09.00 Refreshments

09.30 MODULE 7: People management and leadership

Understanding and fostering motivation and engagement:

PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Performance management scenarios

11.00 Refreshments

11.15 Emotional intelligence and leadership qualities

13.00 Lunch

14.00 MODULE 8: Influencing and decision-making

PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Contributing effectively to decision-making

15.00 Refreshments

15.15 The view from the other side

16.00 Question and answer consultation session with Mark Prebble

16.30 Close of course

For more information about this conference visit