Cloud-based customer experience (CX) intelligence leader InMoment is offering a free webinar titled, “The Art of CX Storytelling: How to Craft A Narrative that Powers Effective Customer Experience Initiatives.” The webinar was produced in partnership with CXPA, a global non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and cultivation of the customer experience profession.

Storytelling has become critical to the success of CX — especially when it comes to translating data into action. In a recent report, Forrester found that “data storytelling not only persuades the analytical part of the brain; it also uses emotion, a key driver of decision making.”

In this webinar, InMoment’s Simon Fraser, VP Customer Experience Strategy, applies the art — and science — of storytelling to customer experience, giving CX professionals a powerful tool to supercharge their initiatives.

Tune in to learn how to:

  • Harness the power of story to affect change
  • Create emotional and intelligent impact through stories
  • Structure your stories to audience and objective
  • Leverage the Voice of the Customer to inspire and persuade less

You can download the free recording here.

About InMoment

InMoment™ is a cloud-based customer experience (CX) intelligence platform, arming brands with compelling insights to drive high-value business decisions and relationships with both customers and employees. InMoment’s industry-leading analytics power a full suite of Voice of Customer (VoC), Voice of Employee (VoE) and Employee Engagement solutions. InMoment also provides strategic guidance, support, and related services to more than 435 brands across 95 countries.