Evolution Well Services (“Evolution”) announces the extension of four separate long term electric hydraulic fracturing contracts across multiple customers, expanding partnerships as far out as 2024. The extensions serve to validate Evolution’s successful partnerships in Texas and Appalachia, as the company will continue to fully utilize its industry-leading electric fracturing technology for its customers. Together, with new technology and data driven initiatives, Evolution and its partners will continue working towards even lower carbon and higher efficiency operations.

Expanding these existing relationships reinforces the long-standing commitment of Evolution’s customers to lead the industry through ESG, data driven, and efficiency focused initiatives. These partnerships will introduce multiple industry-first technologies including an onsite battery energy storage system and a true zero-emissions turbine exhaust heat recycling system. These innovations highlight the partnership-focused engineered solutions being developed to perform the cleanest well completions in the industry and setting a new standard for environmental stewardship.

“Evolution is excited to both extend and expand our partnerships. These technical and operational accomplishments show the unique value and differentiation of our partner-focused culture and our strategy of being a fully integrated engineered solutions provider. We are proud of the successful team, technology, and operational excellence that we have developed over the course of our contracts, and we look forward to continual innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while increasing operational efficiencies.” - Steven W. Anderson | President & CEO, Evolution


Evolution Well Services is the largest and most experienced provider of electric hydraulic fracturing services. Since inception in 2011, the company has completed over 40,000 stages with its patented electric frac technology across the United States. The company is focused on advancing fracturing technology through digital transformation of the well site & lower carbon technologies. For more information, visit www.Evolutionws.com.