
Amendment 114


Xabier Benito Ziluaga, Kateřina Konečná, Jiří Maštálka, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Sofia

Sakorafa on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group Benedek Jávor on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Dario Tamburrano

Piernicola Pedicini Rosa D'Amato Marco Zullo David BorrelliReport Miroslav Poche Energy efficiency

(COM(2016)0761 - C8-0498/2016 - 2016/0376(COD))

Proposal for a directive Annex I - point 1 - point a

Text proposed by the Commission



(a) in Annex IV, footnote 3 is replaced by the following: '(3) Applicable when energy savings are calculated in primary energy terms using a bottom-up approach based on final energy consumption. For savings in kWh electricity Member States may apply a default coefficient of 2,0. Member States may apply a different coefficient provided they can justify it.'.

(a) in Annex IV, footnote 3 is replaced by the following: '(3) Applicable for the purpose of this Directive only and when energy savings are calculated in primary energy terms using a bottom-up approach based on final energy consumption. For savings in kWh electricity Member States shall apply a coefficient established through a transparent method comparable across Member States, on the basis of national circumstances affecting primary energy consumption. Those circumstances shall be duly substantiated, measurable and verifiable and based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria. For savings in kWh electricity Member States may apply a default coefficient of 2,3 or a different coefficient provided they can justify it.'When doing so, Member States shall take into account their energy mix included in their integrated national energy and climate plans to be notified to the Commission in accordance with Article [3] of Regulation (EU) XX/20XX



[Governance of the Energy Union]. The default coefficient shall be revised every 5 years based upon actual observed data.

Or. en



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Original documenthttp://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=AMD&reference=A8-2017-0391&format=PDF&language=EN&secondRef=114-114

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