Survey on the performance of the PROGRESS programme - deadline 31/01 10/01/2014

The European Commission is launching a web-based survey on the performance of the PROGRESS Programme in 2013.

The survey is targeted to all individuals, organisations and institutions that follow the policy debate on employment and social affairs, as well as those involved in national and EU policy formulation or implementation.

The results of the survey will feed into the preparation of the annual performance monitoring report for the last year of implementation of PROGRESS (2007-2013), the EU employment and social solidarity programme established to:

  • support the implementation of EU objectives in the fields of employment, social affairs and equality, and
  • contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy.

PROGRESS was committed to results-based management, which involves the continuous measurement of the programme's achievements towards its objectives. This process relies on a variety of monitoring and information sources.

How to participate

You are invited to participate in the survey by filling out the questionnaire, which should take approximately 15 minutes. The responses to this survey are strictly confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. The deadline to complete the questionnaire is 31 January 2014.

This survey is executed on behalf of the European Commission by an external contractor (Public Policy and Management Institute).

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