SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Aug 21 (Reuters) - Recent cooler temperatures across most of the U.S. Corn Belt have been helping many of the Crop Watch corn fields fill their ears at a slower rate, which can often lead to bigger yields.

More rain and sunshine would be useful for many of the Crop Watch corn and soy fields especially in dry western areas, but the next several days are likely to be dry in most growing regions with normal to slightly warmer temperatures further west.

Abundant August precipitation is desirable for large soybean yields, and Crop Watch producers note that the rains will stop helping their soybean fields in roughly two weeks, at the earliest. Other fields could still use the moisture moving toward mid-September as they will begin maturing later.

Crop Watch producers rate yield potential weekly on a 1-to-5 scale, with 3 representing average yield expectations and 5 record or near-record yields.

The 11-field, unweighted average corn yield fell to 3.8 from 3.82 last week as bumps in western Iowa and North Dakota were offset by a larger decline in South Dakota and a smaller one in eastern Iowa.

The South Dakota reduction comes despite a three-quarter-inch rain on Friday, the first in more than two weeks, as grain fill has been disappointing. Some disease has creeped into the eastern Iowa corn, and plant breakage from an earlier storm has reduced ear counts.

The Western Iowa fields had the largest rainfall total among Crop Watch locations last week at 1.7 inches over three different events, and corn ears in North Dakota have been filling slightly better than previously observed.

Corn yield in Kansas remains at 2.5, and the field may be harvested by the end of the month, earlier than normal after a dry and mostly hot summer. The producer has started his corn harvest and early yields are about half of normal levels.

The Kansas soybeans have not had rain in over three weeks, prompting a half-point cut in the yield score to 2. But small increases in both Iowa locations and a half-point increase in Indiana raised the 11-field soybean yield rating to 3.64 from 3.59 last week. The western Iowa producer noted a lot of four-bean pods on the plants, and disease did not worsen in eastern Iowa.

The Indiana Crop Watch fields have been notoriously dry since late spring, but they picked up 1.5 inches of rain this weekend over two events, the biggest weekly total since at least June. Eastern Crop Watch areas were luckier with the rain this past week as southeastern Illinois notched 1.1 inches, western Illinois 0.7 inch and eastern Iowa over an inch. A one-inch rain Saturday night for the Ohio location saved potential from declining there, but the later-planted corn field still needs more water and sunshine to boost the shallow kernels.

The Nebraska and North Dakota fields received a couple tenths of an inch of rain last week and Minnesota tallied nearly an inch.

The following are the states and counties of the 2022 Crop Watch corn and soybean fields: Griggs, North Dakota; Kingsbury, South Dakota; Freeborn, Minnesota; Burt, Nebraska; Rice, Kansas; Audubon, Iowa; Cedar, Iowa; Warren, Illinois; Crawford, Illinois; Tippecanoe, Indiana; Fairfield, Ohio.

Photos of the Crop Watch fields can be tracked on my Twitter feed using handle @kannbwx. Karen Braun is a market analyst for Reuters. Views expressed above are her own.

(Editing by Diane Craft)