Japanese state broadcaster NHK said Ghosn was caught on CCTV leaving his Tokyo home alone shortly before he fled.

The former auto heavyweight has become an international fugitive after he fled to escape what he called a "rigged" justice system in Japan.

Ghosn faces charges relating to alleged financial crimes and had been awaiting trial in Tokyo.

NHK said the police suspect he met up with someone before flying to Lebanon via Turkey.

The report casts doubt on earlier claims he was smuggled out in a musical instrument case.

Now sources close to Ghosn say he found a private security company to handle his extraction.

Aircraft operator MNG Jet says its planes were used illegally in the escape.

It's now filed a criminal complaint, and Turkey has detained seven people over the incident, including four pilots.

Lebanon received an Interpol arrest warrant for Ghosn on Thursday (January 2)... The country has no extradition treaty with Japan.