OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Jan 29, 2014) - DFATD

Deepak Obhrai, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights, today announced, on behalf of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie, Canada's contribution to a series of initiatives that will support sustainable economic growth, food security and good governance in Africa.

PS Obhrai made the announcement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he attended the 22nd African Union Summit. The Summit's theme for 2014 is "Agriculture and Food Security". PS Obhrai also took part in meetings with several stakeholders including key partners, African Union and Ethiopian ministers, NGO representatives and Canadian private sector leaders.

PS Obhrai was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on January 27 and 28.

Quick Facts

- PS Obhrai announced Canada's support to the following projects:

  • Sustainable Economic Growth
    • Integrated Border Management Project (TradeMark East Africa)
    • Support to the African Union Commission
  • Food Security
    • Support to the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - Agribusiness in Africa Window (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa)
  • Advancing Democracy
    • Civil Society Support Program (Irish Aid)


"Canada is helping African entrepreneurs obtain the financing and skills they need to build successful businesses. By helping governments improve the management of cross-border trade in East Africa, Canada is addressing some of the constraints faced by entrepreneurs as they seek to grow their businesses and expand into new markets. In this way, Canada is helping to increase food security, create jobs, and improve incomes in communities and countries across Africa."

"Canada is working with businesses and governments in Africa to improve agricultural productivity and to increase trade in agricultural goods. These efforts will help to reduce poverty and improve food security, especially for the many women farmers and their families that depend on agriculture for their livelihoods."

Parliamentary Secretary Deepak Obhrai
on behalf of Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie

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New Canadian Initiatives in Sustainable Economic Growth, Food Security and Good Governance for Africa


New Canadian Initiatives in Sustainable Economic Growth, Food Security and Good Governance for Africa

The Government of Canada announced today funding totalling approximately $35 million to support sustainable economic growth, food security and good governance in Africa. The funding will be divided as follows:

Sustainable Economic Growth

  • Integrated Border Management Project (all East African Community members): This project aims to reduce costs in East Africa by speeding up and modernizing border and custom management systems. The initiative is worth $12.2 million over four years and will be implemented through TradeMark East Africa.
  • Support to the African Union Commission (Pan-Africa): This investment will contribute to improving the management capacity of the Africa Union Commission by supporting activities such as the introduction of a framework for result-based management, and new information technology and human resource management systems. It is worth $2.5 million over three years and will be implemented through the African Union Commission.

Food Security

  • Support to the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - Agribusiness in Africa Window (Pan-Africa): This project supports new business ideas that will create jobs, boost agricultural productivity and connect small farmers to agricultural markets. This initiative is worth $15.15 million over seven years and will be implemented by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

Advancing Democracy

  • The Civil Society Support Program: This initiative aims to build the capacity of civil society organizations to participate effectively in government planning and to provide essential services to marginalized groups such as women and children in hard-to-reach areas where these services may not be available from government. This initiative will strengthen the contribution of civil society to Ethiopia's development and democratization. This program is worth $5 million over three years and will be implemented by Irish Aid.

For more information on Canadian initiatives in Africa, please visit the DFATD website.