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arbcombo -- ARB staff has posted LCFS Credit Trading Activity Report for December 2014

The California Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) staff has
posted a report on ARB's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credit
trading activity covering information on recent credit transfers
volumes, credit prices and price trends through December 2014. 

Staff publishes routine credit trading activity reports with the
following schedule for monthly release of this information:

Monthly credit trading activity reports are published on the
second Tuesday of every month.  

These reports can be accessed at:

If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact
Ms. Manisha Singh, Manager, Fuels Section, at (916) 327-1501 or
via email at  You can also email Reza
Lorestany via  

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard, a regulation to reduce the carbon
intensity of fuels sold in California ten percent by 2020, is one
of the measures adopted by ARB, pursuant to Health and Safety
Code Sections 38500-38599 (AB 32) to reduce greenhouse gases in
California.  It is designed to help clean the air, protect the
environment, and drive the development of clean, low-carbon fuels
to improve California's energy security and energy independence.

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