GTxcel launches into 2015 with a record setting quarter to end 2014. The popular digital and mobile publishing leader is sure that the momentum will carry over into the New Year, with numerous products and features already released, and many more to come.

GTxcel exceeded their Q4 goal by more than 200% and grew their customer base by 20% in just one quarter. “With multi-platform clients with 10-22 million readers we know we are delivering a SaaS Platform solution that the publishing community truly needs”, says GTxcel CEO, Peter Stilson.

As GTxcel grows, organizations continue to turn to them as thought leaders, and the message remains clear; to grow your publications and deliver your content in the digital and mobile space, you should partner with GTxcel.

“Our growth is a result of many factors, but the numbers don’t lie. Adding 30 new CMS customers in the past four months speaks volumes. Recent launches with Condé Nast and Palm Beach Media are just two examples fueling the momentum GTxcel has right now, which will continue moving forward”, says VP of Sales and Marketing, Matthew McGinty.

About GTxcel

GTxcel ("" is a leader of high quality digital, mobile and content management solutions. Our service takes content and creates a digital and dynamic interactive experience for readers that can be viewed on any desktop/laptop, tablet or web-enabled smartphone. The GTxcel technology centers around a Unified Publishing Platform (UPP) where content is created once and published on multiple platforms. GTxcel also offers consultative services that include monetization strategies and marketing services. A privately held company, GTxcel is headquartered in Berkeley, California with corporate offices in the Boston area. In 2012, GTxcel was named by eContent Magazine as a “Top 100 Company that Matters Most in the Digital Content Industry.” In 2013, GTxcel became a Xerox® Business Innovation Partner. Learn more at