C.J. Driscoll & Associates, a leading supplier of telematics market research and consulting services, has released the 2019-20 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study. This comprehensive study concludes that today approximately 13.0 million GPS/wireless devices are used to manage fleet vehicles, trailers, construction equipment, and field service workers. By 2022, the market will expand to over 20 million units and annual hardware and service revenues will grow to over $6.8 billion. Continuing market growth will be fueled by factors such as declining hardware and service costs and integration with video cameras, workforce management, data analytics, and other functionality.

In 2017 and early 2018, commercial telematics growth was strongest in the trucking sector due to the DOT’s mandate requiring the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) by interstate trucking fleets for monitoring driver hours of service. The report lists 20 of the largest ELD suppliers along with number of units deployed by each company.

Despite consolidation at the upper end of the market, new competitors continue to emerge. Some of these companies are focused on the broad horizontal fleet market, while others target specific vertical segments. Due to current and projected market growth, several solution providers, including recent market entrants, have achieved valuations not seen in the past.

The 345-page 2019-20 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study provides in-depth information on each major MRM market segment, including the markets for GPS fleet management solutions for local service and delivery, long haul trucking, government, and other fleet segments. The markets for video-based driver behavior management systems and field service management are also examined, along with the markets for monitoring trailers, containers, and heavy construction equipment.

The study assesses current market penetration of commercial telematics systems and services and projects annual growth in major market segments. Detailed profiles are provided on over 100 suppliers of MRM/IoT solutions, including their target markets, key features, installed base, and pricing.

For additional information concerning the 2019-20 Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, contact C.J. Driscoll & Associates.