MCMURRAY, Pa., Jan. 31, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Patients make positive progress in losing weight safely with a plant-based diet, reports Anderson Chiropractic. When patients follow the plant-based diet specifically set forth for them, taking into account their medical history and nutritional deficits, they see the weight drop off and welcome the side effects of reduced inflammation, decreased chronic pain and improved energy levels. Scott Anderson, BS, DC, CVCP, has undergone additional training in nutritional deficiencies and weight loss, making him a popular choice for those looking to change their eating habits and have a healthy bodyweight range.

As reported in numerous studies, obesity and significant weight gain can trigger the onset of chronic and at times fatal conditions. The chances of suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes are increased with a meat-based diet. Red meat and other animal sources of protein are found to be highly inflammatory to the body and increase symptoms for those with chronic pain and forms of arthritis. A properly balanced plant-based diet, with the support of high-grade supplements, has been demonstrated to aid significantly in healthy weight maintenance, improved organ function and a reduced likelihood of suffering from a weight-related disease. It is possible to ease into the transition with varying levels of animal products, such as eggs or dairy, depending on your specific needs.

“Our goal with patients is to use a plant-based diet and supplements to improve their health,” said Dr. Scott Anderson, founder and McMurray chiropractor at Anderson Chiropractic. “I work with them to develop and follow a plant-based diet that is sustainable and works with their personal lifestyle. Health challenges and long-term wellness goals are taken into account and we address weight and health problems head on without covering them up with medication. Anderson Chiropractic helps patients take back control of their health with weight loss that lasts.”

Dr. Scott Anderson has been serving the McMurray, Canonsburg, Peters Township, Venetia, Upper St. Clair, Pittsburgh and surrounding communities for 21 years. His extensive background including wellness therapies and nutrition support the “whole person” approach in chiropractic care. Patients come to Anderson Chiropractic for unique treatment plans that combine chiropractic care with alternative therapies and nutrition. Patients experience improved whole body health with chiropractic care, Reiki, nasal cranial release, nutritional classes and the physician supervised ChiroThin weight loss program. He works to empower clients with the resources to live the life that they have always hoped to be possible. Get the tools to look and feel better, improving long-term health, with Dr. Anderson.

Call (724) 941-5805 to create a safe and sustainable nutritional journey to your individual goals or visit for additional details.

Anderson Chiropractic, (724) 941-5805