AXA US, a leader in providing financial security and retirement products, announced today that it is extending the no-lapse guarantee on its BrightLife® Protect, protection Indexed Universal Life policy. With a “no-math” guarantee to age 90 for level annual premium payments, there’s no guesswork or calculation, just a simple number clients can rely on.1 The powerful combination of this new, simple no-lapse guarantee and AXA’s competitive long-term care option, lets clients live more today, keep more of what they earn with tax-deferred growth and potentially build more cash value that they can actually use.

“At AXA, we are always looking for ways to best meet our clients’ ever-changing needs,” explained Ron Herrmann, Head of Life Business for AXA US. “By extending the guarantee, we’re able to help our clients adjust to life’s changes, stay protected and have peace of mind for the future.”

For the same competitive cost, the clients’ coverage is now guaranteed to age 90 when purchased at age 50 or older, or for 40 years if purchased under age 50.1

Other important features of BrightLife® Protect:

  • A Competitive long-term care rider.
    • By applying for added flexibility and protection under the Long-Term Care Services℠Rider, one of the most competitive in the industry, clients can help prepare for the unexpected.2
  • Cash value flexibility.
    • Clients can help build more wealth with a growth component to their protection. Potential growth is tied to a market index up to a cap, with a downside protection and the advantages of tax deferral. Plus, they can actually use that wealth by taking cash value withdrawals, if their circumstances change.3
  • Cost-effective death benefit.
    • Provides one of the most cost-effective protection policies available, with a death benefit for one of the lowest projected costs in the industry.

1 Coverage is guaranteed to age 90, or for 40 years if the policy is purchased under age 50, as long as the required guarantee premium is paid.
2 The Long-Term Care Services℠ Rider does have an additional cost and is subject to restrictions and limitations. Clients may qualify for life insurance, but not for the Long-Term Care Services℠ Rider.
3 Policy owners would be accessing the cash value through loans and withdrawals. Loans and withdrawals reduce the policy cash value and death benefit, may cause certain policy benefits or riders to become unavailable, and increases the chance that the policy may lapse. If the policy lapses, is surrendered or becomes a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), the loan balance at the time would generally be viewed as distributed and taxable under the general rules for distribution of policy cash values.

Life insurance policies have certain exclusions and limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Certain types of policies, features and benefits may not be available in all jurisdictions or may be different. For costs and more complete details of coverage, contact your financial professional. This press release contains summary information about the BrightLife Protect policy. Please read the actual policy for terms and conditions.

BrightLife® Protect, a flexible Premium universal life insurance policy with an index-lined interest option is issued in New York and Puerto Rico by AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company (AXA Equitable). NY, NY, and in all other jurisdictions by MONY Life Insurance Company of America (MLOA), an Arizona stock company with its main administrative office in Jersey City, NJ. It is co-distributed by AXA Network, LLC Insurance Agency of California, LLC in CA; AXA Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC in Utah; AXA Network of Puerto Rico in PR) and AXA Distributors, LLC. AXA Equitable, MLOA, AXA Network and AXA Distributors are affiliated companies and do not provide tax or legal advice.

BrightLife® is a registered service mark and Long-Term Care Services℠ is a service mark of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company.

All guarantees are based solely on the claims-paying ability of the issuing life insurance company, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company or MONY Life Insurance Company of America.

Policy Form #ICC 15-300 or state variations. Rider form #ICC15-R15-140 or state variations.

About AXA

“AXA” is a brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies, including AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company (NY, NY), MONY Life Insurance Company of America (AZ stock company, administrative office: Jersey City, NJ), AXA Advisors, LLC, and AXA Distributors, LLC. In business since 1859, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company is a leading financial protection company and one of the nation’s premier providers of life insuranceannuity, and financial products and services distributed to individuals and business owners through its retail distribution channel, AXA Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) and to the financial services market through its wholesale distribution channel, AXA Distributors, LLC.

AXA S.A. is a Paris-headquartered holding company for a group of international insurance and financial services companies, including AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC companies. AXA S.A. is a worldwide leader in financial protection strategies and wealth management with 103 million clients in 64 countries as of Dec. 31, 2016. AXA S.A. has been ranked the No. 1 insurance brand in the world by Interbrand for eight consecutive years as of year-end 2016.

The obligations of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company and MONY Life Insurance Company of America are backed solely by their own claims-paying ability. Find AXA on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn. For more information, visit

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