AFT issued this morning the OAT 1.75% 25 November 2024, the OAT 2.50% 25 May 2030 and the OAT 3.25% 25 May 2045.
Here are the auctions details.
The amount served will possibly change after the NCT2, which will take place Monday 12 January 2015.

OAT 1.75% 25 November 2024
Amount bid: €9.486bn
Amount served: €4.854bn
Stop price: 109.06%
% served: 75.94%
Bid-to-cover ratio (Amount bid / Amount served): 1.95
Weighted average rate: 0.79%
Weighted average price: 109.09%
Settlement date: 01/12/2015
Isin code : FR0011962398

OAT 2.50% 25 May 2030
Amount bid: €6.621bn
Amount served: €3.785bn
Stop price: 116.56%
% served: 100.00%
Bid-to-cover ratio (Amount bid / Amount served): 1.75
Weighted average rate: 1.30%
Weighted average price: 116.61%
Settlement date: 01/12/2015
Isin code : FR0011883966

OAT 3.25% 25 May 2045
Amount bid: €2.616bn
Amount served: €0.855bn
Stop price: 134.42%
% served: 100.00%
Bid-to-cover ratio (Amount bid / Amount served): 3.06
Weighted average rate: 1.77%
Weighted average price: 134.52%
Settlement date: 01/12/2015
Isin code : FR0011461037

Press contact:
Tân Le Quang
+33 1 4004 1550
+33 6 7224 0388

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