Lucas Malamule Ndala

Lucas Malamule Ndala

Director/Board Member at Royal Bafokeng Finance (Pty) Ltd.

49 year
Technology Services
Distribution Services

Lucas Malamule Ndala active positions

Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 02/12/2009 -
Lisinfo 2o9 Investments Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Central Lake Trading 342 Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Desert Star Trading 496 Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Lisinfo 213 Property Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Lisinfo 216 Investments Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Lisinfo 219 Trading Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Lisinfo 220 Trading Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
Lisinfo 222 Investments Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
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Career history of Lucas Malamule Ndala

Former positions of Lucas Malamule Ndala

░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░
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South Africa 60


Director/Board Member 56
Director of Finance/CFO 2
Corporate Officer/Principal 1


Finance 6
Technology Services 3
Distribution Services 3

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

Linked companies

Listed companies1


Private companies58


Lisinfo 220 Trading Pty Ltd.

Energy Minerals

Technology Services


Non-Energy Minerals

Mogs Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 2o9 Investments Pty Ltd.

Central Lake Trading 342 Pty Ltd.

Desert Star Trading 496 Pty Ltd.

Industrial Services

Lisinfo 213 Property Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 216 Investments Pty Ltd.

RBH Resources Holdings Pty Ltd.

Distribution Services

Lisinfo 222 Investments Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 227 Investments Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 238 Investments Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 245 Investments Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 258 Investments Pty Ltd.


Morafe Investments Pty Ltd.

Neliscore Pty Ltd.

Olympic Park Trading 93 Pty Ltd.

Quickvest 399 Pty Ltd.

RBH Financial Holdings Pty Ltd.

RBH Industrial Holdings Pty Ltd.

Lisinfo 219 Trading Pty Ltd.

RBH Services Holdings Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng MB Technologies Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Metix Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Agri Investments Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Astrapak Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Automotive Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng BCT Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Closed Shelf1 Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Dhl Holding Co. Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Dhl Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Financial Services Group Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Impala Investments

Royal Bafokeng Libstar Pty Tld

Royal Bafokeng Management Services Pty Ltd.

Distribution Services

RBH Telecom Holdings Pty Lyd

Riverside Park Trading 288 Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Pasco Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Platinum Holdings Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Properties Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Resources Granite (Pty) Ltd


Royal Bafokeng Resources Platinum Pty Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Tholo Investments

Royal Bafokeng Wizplat Pty Ltd.

Salestalk 268 Pty Ltd.

Umkhwene Transports

Port Wild Props 12 Pty Ltd.

Umkhwene Trading

Technology Services

See company connections