Andresen  Family

Andresen Family

Net worth: 747 M $ as of 31/03/2024

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
02/11/2023 161,465,870 ( 59.98% ) 509 M $ 31/03/2024
31/12/2023 5,409,277 ( 19.94% ) 111 M $ 31/03/2024
27/02/2023 13,502,548 ( 2.27% ) 60 M $ 31/03/2024
31/12/2023 2,013,979 ( 10.20% ) 34 M $ 31/03/2024
29/09/2023 35,454,343 ( 12.17% ) 33 M $ 31/03/2024
  1. Stock Market
  2. Insiders
  3. Andresen Family