Certain A Shares of Zbit Semiconductor, Inc. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 29-AUG-2023. These A Shares will be under lockup for 370 days starting from 24-AUG-2022 to 29-AUG-2023.

The company's controlling shareholder and actual controller Xiandong LU, Lu Yinan, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, Hefei Henglian Enterprise Management Consulting Center (Limited Partnership), an enterprise controlled by the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller XIANGDONG LU promised that within 36 months from the date when the issuer?s shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the issuer?s shares held directly or indirectly held by the issuer shall not be transferred or entrusted to others to manage, nor shall the issuer repurchase the issuer?s shares held by the issuer. For the shares that they enjoy based on the shares held by the issuer before the public issuance of shares, such as bonus shares, capitalization and other shares, I also abide by the above-mentioned lock-up period.

Company shareholder Luan Ligang, Hefei Zhongan Luyang Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), Hefei Zhongan Haichuang Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) and company's shareholders Meng Xiangwei and Dong Xiangyu committed that within12 months before the issuance and listing declaration shall not be transferred or entrusted to others to manage the shares I held before the issuance within 36 months from the date of completion of the registration of industrial and commercial changes.