Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.

Securities code: 6941 Date of sending by postal mail: June 11, 2024 Start date of measures for electronic provision: June 5, 2024

To our shareholders:

Junichi Kameya President


2-16-2, Minamikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN


We are pleased to inform you of the 69th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (the "Company"), which will be held as described below.

When convening the Meeting, the Company takes measures for providing information that constitutes the content of reference documents for the general meeting of shareholders, etc. (items for which measures for providing information in electronic format are to be taken) in electronic format, and posts this information on each of the following websites. Please access either of the websites by using the Internet address shown below to review the information.

The Company's website: (in Japanese)

(Please visit the website above and select "2024 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" to review the information.)

Tokyo Stock Exchange website (Listed Company Search): (in Japanese)

(Access the TSE website by using the Internet address shown above, enter "YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS" in "Issue name (company name)" or the Company's securities code "6941" in "Code," and click "Search." Then, click "Basic information" and select "Documents for public inspection/PR information." Under "Filed information available for public inspection," click "Click here for access" under "[Notice of General Shareholders Meeting /Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting].")

If you are unable to attend the Meeting, you can exercise your voting rights by mail or via the Internet. We request that you follow the instructions laid out below and exercise your voting rights on or before 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (JST) after considering the following Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

  1. Date and Time: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (JST)
  2. Venue: Fourth floor, Convention Hall, Ota City Industrial Plaza (PiO) 1-20-20, Minamikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

  3. (Please refer to the venue map attached to this document.)
  4. Purposes:
    Items to be reported:
    1. Business Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the 69th Term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), as well as the results of audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit and Supervisory Committee
    2. Non-ConsolidatedFinancial Statements for the 69th Term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
      • 1 -

Items to be resolved:

Proposal 1: Appropriation of surplus

Proposal 2: Election of eight (8) Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

Proposal 3: Election of three (3) Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

Proposal 4: Election of one (1) substitute Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member

  1. Instructions on Exercising Voting Rights
    Please refer to "Information on Exercise the Voting Rights" on page 3 (in Japanese only).
  2. Matters decided upon convocation
    1. If no indication of approval or disapproval is made for each proposal on the returned voting form, it will be treated as an indication of approval.
    2. If you exercise your voting rights both in writing (by mail) and via the Internet, etc., the exercise of voting rights via the Internet, etc. will be treated as a valid exercise of voting rights.
    3. If you exercise your voting rights more than once via the Internet, etc., the last vote will be treated as a valid exercise of voting rights.
  • If attending the Meeting in person, please present the voting form at the reception desk.
  • If revisions to the items subject to measures for electronic provision arise, a notice of the revisions and the details of the items before and after the revisions will be posted on each of the aforementioned websites.
  • For the Meeting, we have delivered paper-based documents stating the items subject to measures for electronic provision to all shareholders, regardless of whether or not they have requested them.
    We also ask that you please bring this notice with you as reference material for the Meeting.
  • Among the items subject to measures for electronic provision, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and Article
    1. of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, the following items are not provided in the paper-based documents delivered to shareholders.
    1. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    2. Notes to Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Therefore, Consolidated Financial Statements and Non-Consolidated Financial Statements are only some of the documents that have been audited by the Accounting Auditor when papering the accounting audit report and by the Audit and Supervisory Committee when papering the audit report.

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Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposal 1: Appropriation of surplus

The Company's basic policy for profit distribution is to raise corporate value in the medium to long term and to maintain stable dividends and return profits appropriately to shareholders while also strengthening our financial structure and business foundation.

In light of a comprehensive assessment of earnings in this fiscal year, future business trends and the financial foundation, we propose to pay a year-end dividend for this year of 13 yen per share as follows.

Including the interim dividend of 18 yen per share, the annual dividend per share will be 31 yen per share.

Type of dividend property Cash

Allocation of dividend property and total amount thereof 13 yen per common share of the Company

Total amount of dividends: 265,763,901 yen Effective date of distribution of dividends of surplus June 27, 2024

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Proposal 2: Election of eight (8) Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

Since the terms of office of all eight Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members; applicable to the rest of this proposal) expire at the conclusion of the Meeting, we propose the election of eight Directors including three Outside Directors.

Regarding this proposal, the Audit and Supervisory Committee did not find any matters requiring special mention. The candidates for Directors are as follows.



Position in the Company


Yoshitaka Ota




Junichi Kameya




Takeshi Tsuchiya




Kazuhiro Matsuda




Nobuhiro Kishimura





Tomohiro Murata






Yoichiro Sakuma






Toshihisa Yoda




Reelection: Candidate for Director to be reelected

Outside: Candidate for Outside Director

Independent: Independent officer as defined by the securities exchange

Notes: 1. There is no special interest between each candidate and the Company.

  1. Tomohiro Murata, Yoichiro Sakuma and Toshihisa Yoda are candidates for Outside Directors.
  2. The Company has registered Tomohiro Murata, Yoichiro Sakuma and Toshihisa Yoda as independent officers as stipulated in Article 436-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. If they are elected and appointed as Directors, the Company will continue to register them as independent officers.
  3. Based on the provisions in Article 427, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, the Company has concluded agreements with Tomohiro Murata, Yoichiro Sakuma and Toshihisa Yoda that limit the liability for damages specified in Article 423, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act to the minimum amount stipulated in Article 425, Paragraph (1) of that Act. If they are elected and appointed as Directors, the Company plans to continue these agreements.
  4. The Company has entered into an officer liability insurance policy with an insurance company in accordance with the provisions of Article 430-3, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act. This insurance policy covers legal damages and litigation costs in the event of claim for damages caused by acts (or omissions) performed by the insured, including Directors, based on their position in the Company (except where the insured has illegally obtained a benefit or advantage, or has committed a criminal act, fraudulent act, deceitful act, or has acted knowingly in violation of any laws or regulations, including laws and regulations specific to Directors). If a candidate is elected and assumes office as a Director, the candidate shall then become an insured person under this insurance policy. The insurance policy is scheduled to be renewed with the same contents at the next renewal period.

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Number of the


Career summary, position and responsibilities in the Company

Company's shares

(Date of birth)


May 2002

Joined the Company

Apr. 2004

Senior Executive Officer and Senior General

Manager of Manufacturing Div.

Yoshitaka Ota

Oct. 2005

Manager of Sakura Factory

Apr. 2007

General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept.

(October 10, 1948)

June 2008



June 2009

Executive Vice-president, Pricon

Tenure as Director

Microelectronics, Inc.


June 2010

Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the

11 years

Company (full-time)


Attendance at Board of

June 2013


Directors meetings

June 2021

Chairman (of the Board of Directors) and


Representative Director

June 2022

Chairman (present position)

In charge of Optical-related Business (present


Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director

Yoshitaka Ota possesses wide-ranging knowledge and experience in the Company's overall operations from his

experience in each division, and given his achievements as Chairman and as President, we have nominated him again as

a candidate for Director.

Apr. 1987

Joined the Company

Oct. 2007

President, Yamaichi Electronics Shenzhen Co.,

Junichi Kameya


Apr. 2012

Executive Officer and Senior General Manager

(June 29, 1964)

of Manufacturing Div., General Manager of


Manufacturing Control Dept. of the Company

Tenure as Director

Apr. 2013

Senior General Manager of CS Business Div.


June 2013

Director and Senior Executive Officer

11 years

June 2019

Managing Executive Officer


Attendance at Board of

June 2021

President (present position)

Directors meetings

In charge of CS Business Div. (present


position), Business Audit Dept. (present

position) and Quality Assurance Dept. (present


Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director

Junichi Kameya possesses wide-ranging knowledge and experience in the Company's overall operations from his

experience in each division, and given his achievements as President, we have nominated him again as a candidate for


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Number of the


Career summary, position and responsibilities in the Company

Company's shares

(Date of birth)


Apr. 1984

Joined the Company

Feb. 2004

Executive Officer

Apr. 2006

President, Yamaichi Electronics Shenzhen Co.,

Takeshi Tsuchiya


(June 1, 1961)

Apr. 2008

Executive Officer and Senior General Manager


of TS Business Div. of the Company

Tenure as Director

June 2013

Director (present position) and Senior


Executive Officer

11 years

June 2016

In charge of Optical-related Business


Attendance at Board of

June 2018

Managing Executive Officer (present position)

Directors meetings

In charge of Engineering Administration



June 2019

In charge of Manufacturing Division

Apr. 2020

Senior General Manager of Manufacturing Div.

(present position)

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director

Takeshi Tsuchiya possesses extensive knowledge and experience in the Company's operations, particularly in the sales

division and the manufacturing division, and also has experience in corporate management at a subsidiary. Given his

achievements as Director, we have nominated him again as a candidate for Director.

Dec. 1988

Joined the Company

Apr. 2009

General Manager of Overseas Sales Dept.,

Kazuhiro Matsuda

Sales Headquarters, Business Control

(April 11, 1964)



Apr. 2014

President, Yamaichi Electronics USA, Inc.

Tenure as Director

Apr. 2015

Executive Officer of the Company


June 2017

Director (present position) and Senior

7 years

Executive Officer (present position) Senior


Attendance at Board of

General Manager of Administration Div.

Directors meetings

(present position)


June 2021

General Manager of Corporate Administration

Dept. (present position)

Jan. 2022

General Manager of Information Systems Dept.

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director

Kazuhiro Matsuda possesses extensive knowledge and experience in the Company's operations, particularly in the

administration division and the overseas sales division, and also has experience in corporate management at a

subsidiary. Given his achievements as Director, we have nominated him again as a candidate for Director.

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Number of the


Career summary, position and responsibilities in the Company

Company's shares

(Date of birth)


Nov. 1988

Joined the Company

Feb. 2004

General Manager of Sales Dept. II

Apr. 2008

General Manager of West Japan Sales Dept.,

General Manager of TS Planning and Special

Items Dept.

Apr. 2011

General Manager of TS Business Promotion

Nobuhiro Kishimura


(September 24, 1964)

Apr. 2013

General Manager of TS Business Promotion Gr.


General Manager of TS Sales Dept.

Tenure as Director

June 2013

Acting Senior General Manager of TS Business



6 years

Apr. 2014

Executive Officer


Attendance at Board of

June 2018

Director (present position) and Senior

Directors meetings

Executive Officer (present position)


In charge of Optical-related Business,

Manufacturing Division

June 2019

Senior General Manager of TS Business Div.

(present position)

In charge of Engineering Administration

Department (present position)

Apr. 2022

General Manager of TS Overseas Sales Dept.

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director

Nobuhiro Kishimura possesses extensive knowledge and experience in the Company's operations, particularly in the

sales division and manufacturing division, and also has experience in business operation as an Executive Officer. Given

his achievements as Director, we have nominated him again as a candidate for Director.

Apr. 1991

Joined Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.

Tomohiro Murata

July 1994

Joined Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.

Sept. 1996

Joined Morgan Stanley Japan Limited

(June 17, 1968)

Feb. 2009

Joined Frontier Management Inc. Managing




June 2015

Outside Director of the Company (present




Tenure as Outside Director

June 2018

Managing Director, Frontier Management Inc.

(present position)


9 years

June 2021

External Director, Hakuto Co., Ltd. (present

Attendance at Board of


Directors meetings

(Significant concurrent positions outside the Company)


Managing Director, Frontier Management Inc.

External Director, Hakuto Co., Ltd.

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and overview of expected role

Tomohiro Murata has extensive experience as a management consultant and possesses wide-ranging knowledge. We

expect him to provide objective and unbiased advice on management, and we have nominated him again as a candidate

for Outside Director.

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Number of the


Career summary, position and responsibilities in the Company

Company's shares

(Date of birth)


Apr. 1980

Joined Nitto Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

(currently Nitto Denko Corporation)

Yoichiro Sakuma

June 2006

Vice President, Nitto Denko Corporation

June 2010

Director, Vice President

(September 4, 1955)

June 2013

Director, Executive Vice President


Jan. 2018

Advisor, Refine Holdings Co., Ltd. (present




June 2018

Outside Director of the Company (present


Tenure as Outside Director


Outside Director, Nitta Gelatin Inc.


6 years

Oct. 2018

Outside Director, Nitta Gelatin India Ltd.

Attendance at Board of

Feb. 2019

Director, Refine Americas Inc. (present

Directors meetings



(Significant concurrent positions outside the Company)

Advisor, Refine Holdings Co., Ltd.

Director, Refine Americas Inc.

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and overview of expected role

Yoichiro Sakuma has extensive experience over many years as a corporate executive and possesses wide-ranging

knowledge. We expect him to provide objective and unbiased advice on management, and we have nominated him

again as a candidate for Outside Director.

Toshihisa Yoda

Apr. 1982

Joined Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd.

Apr. 2007

Corporate Officer

(January 3, 1958)

June 2011

Director and Senior Corporate Officer


June 2014

Director and Executive Managing Corporate




June 2018



Tenure as Outside Director

June 2020

Outside Director of the Company (present



4 years

June 2023


Attendance at Board of

Inc. (present position)

Directors meetings

(Significant concurrent positions outside the Company)


Outside Director, ALMEX TECHNOLOGIES Inc.

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and overview of expected role

Toshihisa Yoda has extensive experience over many years as a corporate executive and possesses wide-ranging

knowledge of semiconductor-related business, which is a specialty of the Company's businesses. We expect him to

provide objective and unbiased advice on management, and we have nominated him again as a candidate for Outside


- 8 -

Proposal 3: Election of three (3) Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

Since the terms of office of all three Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members expire at the conclusion of the Meeting, we propose the election of three Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members including two Outside Directors.

The Audit and Supervisory Committee has already given its consent to this proposal.

The candidates for Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members are as follows.



Position in the Company


Koichiro Yanagisawa

Director, Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member




Shinobu Okamoto

Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member





Takako Murase

Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member



Reelection: Candidate for Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member to be reelected

Outside: Candidate for Outside Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member

Independent: Independent officer as defined by the securities exchange

Notes: 1. There is no special interest between each candidate and the Company.

  1. Shinobu Okamoto and Takako Murase are candidates for Outside Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members.
  2. The Company has registered Shinobu Okamoto and Takako Murase as independent officers as stipulated in Article 436-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. If their elections are approved, the Company will continue to register them as independent officers.
  3. Based on the provisions in Article 427, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, the Company has concluded agreements with Koichiro Yanagisawa, Shinobu Okamoto and Takako Murase that limit the liability for damages specified in Article 423, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act to the minimum amount stipulated in Article 425, Paragraph (1) of that Act. If their elections are approved, the Company plans to continue these agreements.
  4. The Company has entered into an officer liability insurance policy with an insurance company in accordance with the provisions of Article 430-3, Paragraph (1) of the Companies Act. This insurance policy covers legal damages and litigation costs in the event of claim for damages caused by acts (or omissions) performed by the insured, including Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members, based on their position in the Company (except where the insured has illegally obtained a benefit or advantage, or has committed a criminal act, fraudulent act, deceitful act, or has acted knowingly in violation of any laws or regulations, including laws and regulations specific to Directors). If a candidate is elected and assumes office as a Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member, the candidate shall then become an insured person under this insurance policy. The insurance policy is scheduled to be renewed with the same contents at the next renewal period.

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Number of the


Career summary, position and responsibilities in the Company

Company's shares

(Date of birth)


Koichiro Yanagisawa

Apr. 1981

Joined Pioneer Corporation

(January 18, 1959)

July 1992

Transferred to Q-TEC, Inc., Manager of


Accounting Section, General Affairs


Tenure as Director

Apr. 2002

Manager, Business Management Section,

2 years

International Business Division, Pioneer

Tenure as Audit & Supervisory


Board Member

Nov. 2010

Joined the Company, Assistant to General


1 year

Manager of Corporate Planning Dept.

Attendance at Board of

June 2013

General Manager of Corporate Administration

Directors meetings




July 2017

Executive Officer and Deputy Senior General

Attendance at Audit and

Manager of Administration Div.

Supervisory Committee

June 2021

Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member


June 2022

Director who is an Audit and Supervisory


Committee Member (present position)

Reasons for nomination as candidate for Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member

Koichiro Yanagisawa has extensive knowledge of business operations and corporate management and considerable

expertise in finance and accounting, having served as an Executive Officer of the Company and as Deputy Senior

General Manager of the Administration Division as well as General Manager of Corporate Administration Department.

The Company has judged that he is suitable for the position based on his extensive experience and wide-ranging

knowledge, and has nominated him again as a candidate for Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee


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YAMAICHI Electronics Co. Ltd. published this content on 04 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 June 2024 00:02:07 UTC.