Xtera Communications, Inc. announced the availability of 100G technology for long-haul subsea cable systems. Xtera is the first supplier to have installed 100G Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE) on a repeatered subsea cable system: this project was awarded by Gulf Bridge International (GBI) for a submarine cable system connecting Egypt to Italy and put into service in first quarter of 2012. The GBI cable system is the first and only 100G repeatered subsea system in commercial operation. Developing further its 100G technology that has included soft-decision FEC since 2011, Xtera has carried out numerous 100G field trials in the past quarters on various types of cable systems with many operators in order to increase the performance of 100G reach on ultra-long distances.

Xtera's 100G field trials were conducted on multiple subsea cable systems of different generations, made of various fiber types of different lengths. Regional, trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific cable systems have been tested by Xtera's skillful and experienced testing teams. Accurate analysis of system performance is key for understanding Xtera's 100G capabilities to further improve 100G technology for both upgrades and new builds. Another variant of 100G field trials consist of Optical Transmission Surveys (OTS) whose main purpose is to determine the maximum system capacity that existing subsea cable systems can support when upgraded with Xtera's 100G technologies.

Because of the variety of fiber types and repeater generations that have been used for the past 20 years in different system designs and configurations, OTS is necessary to improve simulation tools as well as make the capacity commitments reliable for upgrade projects.