Patiyut Tongpajong enter into a memorandum to acquire Thai Prime Investments Ltd. from Electronics Industry Public Company Limited (SET:EIC) for THB 1.5 million on December 22, 2016. In addition to the transaction Patiyut Tongpajong will also pay THB 1.5 million loan amount on behalf of Thai Prime Investments. Under the terms of the agreement Patiyut Tongpajong will acquire 2 shares which represents 100% of Thai Prime Investments. Electronics Industry Public Company Limited expected to sign share purchase agreement and receive the payment in full with in January 12, 2017. As on financial year end September 30, 2016 Thai Prime Investments reported total assets of THB 1.81 million. Electronics Industry Public Company use the proceeds from the disposal for working capital. S 14 Advisory Company Limited acted as financial advisor for Thai Prime Investments. As of January 9, 2017 the share purchase agreement will be signed on January 12, 2017.