Wheelock and Company Ltd. announced that Mr. AU, Siu Kee Alexander, an independent non-executive director has tendered his resignation as a
director of the company and consequently will also cease to be the chairman and a member of the audit committee of the company. Mr. CHAU, Tak Hay and Mr. TANG, Yat Sun Richard have been appointed as independent non-executive director of the company. Mr. TING, Woo Shou Kenneth, being an independent non-executive director of the company, has been appointed as the chairman of the audit committee of the company in place of Mr. Au; and Mr. Alan Howard SMITH, being an independent non-executive director of the company has been appointed as a member of the audit committee of the company. All the abovementioned changes will become effective on October 22, 2012. Mr. Chau served in a number of principal official positions in the Hong Kong Government between 1988 and 2002, including Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport, and Secretary for Health and Welfare. Mr. Tang is currently the chairman and managing director of Richcom Company Limited, the vice chairman of publicly-listed King Fook Holdings Limited, an executive director of publicly-listed Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited, an INED of publicly-listed Hang Seng Bank Limited, and a director of various private business enterprises. Furthermore, Mr. Tang is also an advisor of Tang Shiu Kin and Ho Tim Charitable Fund.