Vivakor, Inc. created a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund, Viva Opportunity Fund, LLC invested and will continue to invest in Remediation Processing Centers Design and Manufacturing, LLC (RPC), which is an Opportunity Zone designated business in Utah, creating enormous tax savings and return potential for its investors. Vivakor is contracting with RPC to build its patent pending technology for remediation and extraction of Hydrocarbons from soil material. The Company is expected to launch its fully scaled RPC unit in the first quarter of 2019, with the production of up to 30 units in the next 24 months to support its business in their Fundamental Revenue Growth phase. Vivakor operates the RPC's through its VivaVentures Energy Group Inc. division currently operating in Utah and Kuwait. The need for RPC's throughout the world applies to any hydrocarbon mixed in soil remediation and certain Oil Sands operations. In addition to the substantial tax saving potential, investors would also be eligible for royalties of 25% of the production on each RPC. Each RPC is projected to generate between $5-6 million per year, or a royalty stream of $1.25 to $1.5 million annually. The investment may also be converted to Vivakor's publicly traded stock, allowing for a high level of flexibility and liquidity.