CEFC Hong Kong Financial Investment Company Limited announced that Mr. Liu Chun Fai ("Mr. Liu") has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 28 June 2019 to devote more time to his other personal commitments. He has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company (the "Shareholders"). The Board also announces that Mr. Cheung Ka Lung ("Mr. Cheung") has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 28 June 2019. Mr. Cheung, aged 44, has been appointed as the deputy chief executive officer of the company since 1 May 2017. Mr. Cheung is primarily responsible for the daily management, business operations and corporate transactions of the Group. He also serves as a director of certain subsidiaries of the Group.