Violin Memory (NYSE: VMEM), a leader in persistent memory-based storage solutions, announced its Maestro Memory Appliance was used by High Moon Studios to win the Storage Visions Visionary End User Award for High Performance Storage Application. The media and entertainment market is known for its demanding application and storage environments, and Violin Memory is proud to have assisted High Moon Studios in achieving this recognition.

High Moon Studios creates high-performance games, and was awarded for its use of the Violin Memory Maestro Memory Appliance to accelerate legacy storage to new heights. Using Maestro, High Moon Studios created a 100,000 IOPS storage system in its SAN fabric to accelerate business performance. The company installed a Maestro Memory Appliance as a "bump in the wire" in its Fibre Channel SAN fabric. This allowed the IT staff to monitor the I/O traffic without disrupting ongoing software builds. The performance boost from Maestro cut the software build times down by nine times, enabling the studio's IT department to exceed its service level agreements.

"Getting the most from our game developers is key to our success," said Dan Mulkiewicz, IT director at High Moon Studios. "Violin Memory Maestro accelerated our turnaround, allowing more software builds in a given time, leading to greater programmer productivity."

"High Moon Studios exemplifies the business impact of high performance storage," said Narayan Venkat, VP of product management at Violin Memory. "Violin Memory is delighted to enhance their business productivity with Maestro acceleration."

The Storage Visions conference recognizes and educates attendees on the latest trends in storage as well as how leading companies are implementing storage advances to improve their business. The Storage Vision awards are based on leadership in products and implementation of storage. The Visionary End User Award recognizes the innovative use of storage solutions for high performance applications.

Violin Maestro Memory Appliance:

  • Delivers more than 1 million IOPS
  • Accelerates up to 160TB of legacy disk
  • Provides I/O access with latency measured in microseconds
  • Plugs into existing Storage Area Networks non-disruptively


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About Violin Memory, Inc.

Violin Memory enables businesses to access real-time information by delivering memory-based storage solutions that close the compute storage gap. Named by Gartner Inc. as the market share leader in flash-based storage systems, Violin Memory brings storage performance in-line with demanding, high-speed applications, servers and networks at disk economics. Violin Memory solutions are optimized from the ground up to leverage the inherent capabilities of flash memory, enabling performance of memory at compelling economics for business-critical applications, virtualized environments and big data in enterprise data centers. Founded in 2005, Violin Memory is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. For more information, visit

About the Storage Visions Conference

Storage Visions is the place where you will meet and hear from the innovators driving this technology forward! Tom Coughlin, founder and Conference Chair of the Storage Visions Conference, created a forum to highlight developments in the storage industry and recognize their impact on demanding business environments. In addition, there are keynote, breakout sessions and exhibits on a wide variety of storage topics. Attendees will come from companies engaged in every facet of technology: consumer electronics, media and entertainment, enterprise storage suppliers and customers, storage device manufacturers, storage system builders, and storage users, as well as extensive press coverage. To learn more go to:

Suzanne Chan, 415-820-4165