The Board of Directors of Anchor Resources Limited announced the following changes with effect from 6 January 2021: Mr. Chua Ser Miang will be appointed as Non-Executive Chairman and Lead Independent Director of the Company and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee in place of Dr. Wilson Tay Chuan Hui; Ms. Juliana Lee Kim Lian will be appointed as Chairman of the Nominating Committee in place of Ms. Ch'ng Li-Ling; Dr. Wilson Tay Chuan Hui shall cease to be Non-Executive Chairman, Lead Independent Director, chairman of the Remuneration Committee, member of the Audit Committee and member of the Nominating Committee; and Ms. Ch'ng Li-Ling shall cease to be chairman of the Nominating Committee, member of the Audit Committee and member of the Remuneration Committee. Accordingly, the composition of the Board and Board committees shall be reconstituted as follows with effect from 6 January 2021: Board of Directors: Mr. Chua Ser Miang (Non-Executive Chairman and Lead Independent Director); Mr. Lim Chiau Woei (Managing Director); Mr. Chan Koon Mong (Executive Director) (to cease as director from 19 January 2021); Dr. Wilson Tay Chuan Hui (Independent Director) (to cease as director from 19 January 2021); Ms. Ch'ng Li-Ling (Independent Director) (to cease as director from 19 January 2021); Mr. Gavin Mark McIntyre (Independent Director); Dr. Foo Fatt Kah (Non-Independent, Non-Executive Director) and Ms. Juliana Lee Kim Lian (Independent Director). Audit Committee with Mr. Gavin Mark McIntyre (Chairman); Mr. Chua Ser Miang (Member) Ms. Juliana Lee Kim Lian (Member). Remuneration Committee with Mr. Chua Ser Miang (Chairman); Mr. Gavin Mark McIntyre (Member) and Ms. Juliana Lee Kim Lian (Member). Nominating Committee with Ms. Juliana Lee Kim Lian (Chairman); Mr. Chua Ser Miang (Member) and Mr. Gavin Mark McIntyre (Member).