Recently the Shehu of Borno turbanned Baba Madami Auta as Zanna Sotoma of Borno, the first Christian in the state to be so honoured. He told Kanem Trust how he feels about the honour done to him.


Briefly tell us about yourself?



My name is Beta Madami Auta. My father's name is Baba Madami Auta and my mother's name is Yathlama Madaki Auta. I was born on 2nd August 1950. I'm from Biu, I did my primary school at Marama and attended Borno Teachers College. From the teachers college I went to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria for my diploma and degree courses.

I started work as a clerk in 1972 at Barclays Bank in Gombe. I later left for ABU for my degree course after which I returned to Barclays Bank which later became Union Bank. I worked with Union Bank till 1983 when then Bank of Credit and Commerce ýemployed me and from there I moved to Owena Bank and retired in 1993 as Controller North.

Are you from a royal family?

I'm not from a royal family but my father was almost like a royalty because he was the Madakin Jos as far as 1962 or 1963. So I can't say we are not part of the royalty. Since then he has been a leader in the community. So I can say we are part of the royalty.

You were turbaned as Wakili of Shehu of Borno ýin Kaduna?

Yes the late Shehu of Borno appointed me as the Wakili Shehu of Borno in 2007. After his demise the present Shehu of Borno reappointed me and even gave me a special cap as Wakilin Shehu of Borno and I served him up to 2019. This means from 2007 to 2019 I have been on this position of Wakili.

During that period, I was opportuned to serve as a community leader. I was able to represent him so many times here in Kaduna, Abuja, Borgu, Niger State, Bayelsa and so many other places. So far so good there has not been anything he asked me to do that I did not do.

What led to your appointment as Wakili despite the fact that you are not from a royal family?

Well there is a Hausa proverb that said ' Idan Allah ya ce zaka yi sai ka yi', which translates: if God said you will be you will be. And God chooses anybody ýbecause I can't say I'm the best, I can't say I'm the richest and I can't say I'm the most well-read. But I believe it is God's choice.

Recently you were also conferred with another title of Zanna Sotoma of Borno. How did you feel?

I was so happy I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it the first time and when they brought the letter officially to me as the Zanna Sotoma of Borno (Chief Host) and the Wakilin Shehu of Borno -ý holding two titles at the same time, I felt so happy and I thank God Almighty and I also thank the Shehu of Borno for bestowing these positions on me. May his throne and kingdom be healthy, peaceful and prosperous. May God continue to protect us.

With the new title what will be your new role?

My role is almost as before but now I'm the chief host of the Shehu of Borno and since I do represent him in various places it has strengthened me now. I can represent him as Wakili and also as Zanna. Which means I can take better decisions, work better anýd serve better.

Are you the first person to hold those two titles in the emirate?

Yes, this is the first time because I was holding one before, now I have the second.

You are a Christian yet you have been conferred with these titles. How do you see the gesture vis-a-vis coexistence between the two religions?

As I earlier said, with my appointment as Wakilin Shehu of Borno and Zanna Sotoma of Borno, I believe the Shehu of Borno should be commended. I wish other emirs and chiefs would emulate him. This is because he knows very well that I'm a Christian, and not even a Kanuri man, but he bestowed the titles on me.

This shows he is a father and leader to all. If you are a leader and have a large heart and an open mind, that will make people to serve you better. Your people will be proud to serve you and you too will be proud to serve theým.

So what the Shehu of Borno did showed the people of Borno that he is a leader to all and he has nothing to hide.

What is your message to people in your community?

My message is not only for my community but to the whole people of Borno that we should work for peace. We should make sure that this country is not polluted. A lot of things happening now are rumour and not good for this country. I can tell you that I'm a Christian but for the past 10 years now every fasting period I used to invite sheikhs and reverends to a big hall alongside 300 to 500 people to drink and eat together.

We preach peace and I tell people that this should be encouraged. I have hosted it for the past 10 years but I couldn't this 2019 because my wife was sick then. She died so I couldn't do it.

I tell people that if they emulate what I'm doing in Kaduna State nationwide, that will bring peace and unity.

So I encourage all those holding positions to do same and encourage people to promote peace during festive periods. We should come together and preach peace ýto our people and children. I pray for peaceful coexistence in Nigeria.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan