UG Healthcare Corporation Limited appointed Lee Jun Linn as Chief Operating Officer on October 21, 2020. Mr. Lee Jun Linn will be appointed as Chief Operating Officer ("COO") of the Company, in addition to his existing role as Executive Director of the Company. The Nominating Committee ("NC") has reviewed Mr. Lee Jun Linn's background, experience and contributions to the Group and is of the opinion that Mr. Lee Jun Linn has the requisite experience and capability to assume the roles and responsibilities of COO of the Company. The appointment of Mr. Lee Jun Linn as COO of the Company based on the NC's recommendation has been approved by the Board. Mr. Lee Jun Linn will be the Executive Director and COO of the Company. The appointment is Executive. Upon appointed as COO, Mr. Lee Jun Linn will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and will be responsible for the overall operational matters within the Group.