Tyler Technologies, Inc. announced it has signed an agreement valued at $17.9 million with Jackson County, Missouri, for Tyler’s CLT Appraisal Services™ and iasWorld® computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) software. Tyler will be executing a complete reappraisal for the entire county, along with annual property data maintenance over the next two years. Jackson County’s current CAMA software is a legacy solution that has been in place for decades. The county evaluated several options to replace its solution with one that is more user-friendly and comprehensive. It ultimately selected Tyler’s iasWorld solution because of its stability and proven track record in large jurisdictions similar to Jackson County. Tyler’s iasWorld solution will help the county manage every step of the property appraisal process while also optimizing daily operations, managing and analyzing assessment data, and helping to generate fair, equitable, and defendable property valuations. In addition to implementing Tyler’s iasWorld software, Tyler will provide its CLT Appraisal Services to conduct a complete reappraisal for all properties in the county. Bringing more than 80 years of in-depth industry experience to mass appraisal, Tyler’s specialists will physically inspect, collect data, and capture images on all types of properties to produce customized mass appraisal reports.