TUGA Innovations, Inc. announced a full lineup of vehicle models being designed to satisfy the addressable requirements of commercial fleet operators and independent consumers alike. Based on additional market research, TUGA Innovations embarked on a re-positioning strategy that emphasizes and clarifies the TUGA's ability to easily transform functional aspects of the base model design. The Company has finalized a number of pre-determined configurations that share a several design features and functional elements that are being forged into an entire family of vehicles by introducing a new range of models, from high-end limited-edition versions through to mobility-oriented, service-focused, and utility vehicles.

As part of this enhanced go-to-market strategy, the Company proposes to offer three different defined TUGA vehicle categories offering patent-pending retractable rear axle and extendable chassis options which are being further segmented to serve different needs and market sectors. TUGA THUNDER and the TUGA FALCON are the limited-edition & high-performance model options. Transformation is achieved by several adaptations including the removal of the forward windshield and rear compartment for a roadster-style look and feel.

Designed with paramount regard for safety, these vehicles represent the fun-loving DNA of the TUGA platform. TUGA COMMUTER and TUGA DELIVER were the Company's introductory models which include swappable body parts and have now been up-featured to include additional safety components and a technology package branded as Mobility As A Service (“MaaS”) for functional integration with delivery fleets as well as enhanced capabilities for the daily commuter. The TUGA CARGO and TUGA PICKUP bring full-time fully extended chassis solutions for urban micro-logistic needs by offering up to 600 litres of cargo space in a vehicle only 88cm wide, combined with an expanded rear wheelbase of 128cm for added stability.

The entire TUGA product family being designed offers a fundamental flexible design criteria based on reduced width for agile manoeuvring in traffic and easy parking. The retractable rear axle delivers greater stability at highway speeds, and the extendable chassis makes passenger access into and out of the vehicle super-easy and incorporates multiple roll bars for enhanced overall passenger safety. The Cargo and Pickup versions are being designed to bring a more utilitarian execution to the design with a fixed chassis length focussed on increased storage capacity.

For more vehicle information visit the TUGA Platform.