Kombat Copper Inc. announced that a number of strategic changes to its management team have been implemented. Paul Bozoki, C.A., former CFO of Kombat Copper, has been appointed President and CEO and has joined the Board of Directors. He has over twenty years of experience working with development stage companies and has recently been involved with projects in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mr. Bozoki brings a wealth of financial and negotiating experience to the Company, which will greatly assist as the Kombat Mine moves forward to becoming a producer within the next year. A replacement CFO will be announced once an appointment is made. Bill Nielsen has stepped down as President and CEO of the company but will remain on the Board and will maintain a relationship with Kombat as a technical consultant. Les Kwasik has been appointed Chief Operating Officer of the company.
He has worked at length on mining projects in Indonesia, Canada, U.S.A., Colombia and Saudi Arabia and has a reputation of efficiency and cost effectiveness. Mr. Kwasik will be based in Namibia for the initial stages of the production project. Damian Lopez, J.D., will take over the position of Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel as Christine Gallo, J.D., has resigned her position.